问:护理工作经验: 患者王振华推荐信: 我是王振华,家住辽阳丽苑小区一号...
答:Nursing Experience:A Recommendation Letter from Patient Zhenhua Wang My name’s Zhenhua Wang, living at 9#, Unit 9, Building 1, Liyuan District in the city of Liaoyang. I'm now 83 years old. Suffering from basal cell carcinoma, I had an operation on August 9th, 2010, ...
2010-10-06 回答者: angeljane7758 3个回答 2
q求英文翻译:谁能把下面这段话帮我翻译一下啊,我译的不好 1. 如果可以...
答:personality character:honesty,faithy,optimistic,open and steady,I have very strong team spirit,good at thinking things out for myself and solve problems,sensitive to the new things,strong reception;I have strong ability for self-studying and good psychological quality.
2011-08-11 回答者: nndybly 1个回答 1
问:rap You think it’s perfect Everything is so fine Wait till you look...
答:说唱 你认为它是完美的 所有的一切都很好 等到你用心去彻底地感受它 你会认为他很好的 但是,请睁开你的双眼 这个地方只不过是个漂亮的猪圈罢了 你想得到它,想得到它 一切只是需要而已 我们失去它的时候会说这只是玩玩而已 你认为这很有趣 而我认为它很土 这是个警告 要么注意它,要么就不管它。
2007-04-24 回答者: whbrian 2个回答
答:Hello,my name is xx,I am 18 years' old,I graduated from Guilin Junketing Middling Associate School,and my hometown is Guilin,in which the landscape tops the world , if anyone wants to travel in Guilin,it will be my great honor to be your tour guide! (Hello最好换成Good ...
2007-09-03 回答者: zhudingle 1个回答 2
答:Could you hold my hand and share the whole life with me?holding your hand and aging with you (执子之手,与子偕老)
2010-09-01 回答者: 落落_安徽 3个回答
2019-11-15 回答者: xgf1981215 7个回答 36
答:柏川轻声笑道:“I don't wanna disappoint you,(我不想让你失望,) but you can’t hit on him.(但是你不能打击(勾引?)他。)”“Why not?(为什么?)”“because he’s not into men.(因为他没有进入到男人们中去。P.S:这里我不好怎么翻译,所以直译了)(3)”“What? No ...
2010-07-01 回答者: 雨水满地 5个回答 29
问:麻烦谁能帮我翻译一下!多谢了! 我通过booking在贵旅店预约了一个房间...
答:i have booked a room in your hotel by booking, the time is from March 19 to April 18.
2012-02-26 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
问:This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If ...
答:如果你误收到了该邮件,请将邮件及其副本从系统中删除,并通过网站上的联系方式(“contact us”),及时告知寄信人。Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error or virus-free.通过互联网进行信息交流,不能保证信息及时,安全和无差错地传达并且免受病毒的攻击。The ...
2007-06-23 回答者: _xerox_ 6个回答 2
请帮我把这些英文问题 翻中文 翻译软体 会英语的帮忙一下
问:帮我把这些英文问题 翻中文 不要翻译软体 (尤其是 google ) 1. Predict ...
答:1. Predict the story after reading the first chapter ?读完第一章后对这篇故事做个推断(预测)2. What different predictions can you make?你能够做出哪些不同的预测?3. Give some details about the location or the setting of the novel.对于这小说中所发生的地点或场景给予一些细节上的描绘...
2011-03-29 回答者: gulaoyes 5个回答

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