答:I most like the cartoon character is the small meatball. Herappearance very lovable, the cheek flat flat fat was fat, cuts avirgin skill, on the hair has sometimes been able to bring a butterflyknot. She is putting on white clothes all day, outside is wraping thered ...
2007-10-12 回答者: 494204272 3个回答
问:你说我是你的好朋友,我们的默契是浑然天成的 你说我们之间的秘密永远只...
答:to too were not perhaps many on the worry my you to say ...I said I do not need your too many worries, I can look after own.Also, when in your life " she the " appearance, I can deliver the most sincere blessing, also please do not neglect my existence....
2007-04-08 回答者: 人┤├○╞亼 3个回答 1
答:Please come to me if you still love me .
2012-03-31 回答者: Li若溪 2个回答
下列中文翻译成英语 请不要用翻译工具呀 我也不是英文白丁
问:谨此致以诚挚的问候; 在2009年 在观看了 您出演的电影后 我就被您电影...
答:在2009年 在观看了 您出演的电影后 我就被您电影中的精彩演出深深吸引了 。时至今日 我怀着非常真挚的心情 向您写出这封信 。This letter is to want to get your autograph to express my admiration for your feelings, writing many strange please forgive me!此次冒昧来信 是想得到您的亲笔...
2012-04-21 回答者: a86587074001 3个回答 1
问:亲爱的叔叔:你好! 近来一切都好吧?要保重身体! 我妈妈病重住院了,是...
答:Mom is hospitalized for stomach cancer. If possible, please come. Mom wants to see you, for the last time.Niece 注﹕everything is fine with you: 你一切安好 please take care of yourself: 请保重 hospitalized for stomach cancer: 因胃癌住院 if possible : 如果可以 niece﹕侄女 ...
2011-06-25 回答者: cybereader 8个回答
问:仅仅一句简单的祝福就包含了我对你许多的思念。 一直那么爱你,那份爱,...
答:一小部分是翻译器 A simple blessing only delivers how I miss you!So much I love you!My love is neither ephemeral, nor rash impulse,but forever being with you!Regretless accompanying with you!On the way of our future,Shall I grow with you!Because my whole life is you,And so ...
2010-04-09 回答者: 痞ふ尐笙 5个回答
问:您好! 感谢您对我校的关注。针对您的问题,现答复如下: 1. 学校有宿舍...
答:3.The class in school is going with studying,learning by rolling,stduying in small class,you can do it by yourself.4.Please take the copying of your ID card.Two size two coloured photos,you can have class after you have metion your name.Are you in China now?Can you leave ...
2007-07-21 回答者: 499591555 2个回答 2
问:亲爱的: 请容许我这样叫你,你的到来让我的世界从此变得不一样,你像阳...
答:Dear:please allow that I call you, your arrival to let my world henceforth become like this am dissimilar, you look like the sunlight, illuminates me to block already the long heart door leaf, you look like a devil, is swallowing my all laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness, ...
2009-02-27 回答者: 永城人士 5个回答
问:在中国的这些日子过得愉快吗? 今天是第一次发电子邮件给你,也不知道要写...
答:photos?(Because weijia did not send me and I cannot find her )I'm curious to know your boyfriend. He must look handsome!Hope this first e-mail finds you well and look forward to your reply.其实你的最后一句话没什么必要,东西方人的客气方式不一样:)所以我稍微修改了一下。
2007-08-03 回答者: felixfac 9个回答
问:Assuming that it is undesirable to have uninsured motorists, resear...
答:是否有潜在的受害者会减少未保险的风险的发生从而将取决于这两种效应的好处是强大的,一个问题,目前的分析不能解决。如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!If you do not understand, please ask; if you help, please click on the page in the ...
2013-01-16 回答者: WANGTIANYU4 3个回答

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