谁能帮我把这些句子翻译英语,小弟分不高,希望有人能帮我一下下,谢 ...
问:你的朋友的名字是什么?吉姆格林。 你爸爸的电话是?12345678 他姓什么...
答:What's your friend's name? Jim Green.What's your father's phone number? It's one two three four five six seven eight.What's his first/family name? Miller.What's her last name? It's Jina.That isn't his phone number, it's his father's (phone number).What's her ...
2009-09-23 回答者: tailuowang 3个回答 14
问:Dear Sirs, Please kindly find attached photos of a head lamp of Maz...
答:全国翻译资格考试的全称叫:全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试,英文叫China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters,缩写叫CATTI,美国有托福,英国有雅思,中国开始有CATTI。考试意味着什么? 一、是和国际接轨的重大举措。这个考试的筹划实际上已经进行了十多年。随着中国改革开放、中国的对外交流日益扩大、中国和国际翻译...
2006-07-05 回答者: 知道网友 5个回答
问:percentage completed mission attempts playing time day passed in ga...
答:total fires extinguished fire truck mission level Assassination contract completed flight hours fishes fed sprayings weapon Budget fashion Budget property Budget Auto repair and painting Budget property Destoryed Highese media attention CRiminal Rating 好长,等我回家再翻,后面的不要抄我的哦 ...
2007-07-18 回答者: autumnbubble 1个回答
问:1.他阿姨干什么的? 她是一个工程师。 2.这个女服务员每天工作很努力吗...
答:7.这条蓝色牛仔裤是谁的?是他堂弟的。-> Whose is this pair of blue jeans? His cousin's.8.我认为这些笑道没什么问题。-> I don't think there is any problem with these laughters.9.如果我们有更多的空余时间,我们将帮助老人们打扫卫生,为他们歌唱,并且告诉他们一些好消息。-> If...
2010-09-23 回答者: jojo_sarah 10个回答 6
答:其中and前后是两个并列的成分,即European intelligence 和 law enforcement officials 是并列的)that (定语从句,修饰concern)their countries (定语从句主语)are now are (这个are一定是typo)his hit list.(后面是be系动词带的系表结构作谓语)2.This trend (主句主语)began (主句谓语)during ...
2010-01-03 回答者: Rhapsodia晚枫 10个回答 2
问:1:坐在窗边的男孩正在看一个以充满想象力故事为基础的小说 2:在过去几...
答:1. The boy sitting next to the window is reading a novel which is based on imaginative stories.2. He robbed the bank 1 million yuan in the past several years.3. The movie had started for 20 minutes when I arrived the cinema out of breath.4. Not only me but also Jim ...
2011-06-15 回答者: ZOE5213344 2个回答 1
问:帮我翻译一下: 一个棕色头发,在鼻梁上架着一副宽边大眼镜的男孩。他手...
答:he treated setbacks positive attitude in the face of difficulties he's not daunted, I am deeply impressed by this.Harry Potter, you are a hero, in my mind forever is a hero!你写的真好啊~~!!!我就不知道应该怎麽写他,感觉好难~~~厉害~~~我也非常喜欢harry potter !!
2007-08-12 回答者: LuMichael 7个回答
问:DMy summer hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2 go 2 NY 2C my bro, his CF &am...
2012-01-11 回答者: FUJI精神 3个回答 12
答:咱会滴说~Angry when you go to the beach, shouting their own grief, always Smile, pain, and not pain, it is like, but also did not like it, forget worries, I remember that mouth up, with the happy smile!
2009-07-06 回答者: 恋雪0诺 2个回答 12
问:(141) The Red Cross is an international organization which cares fo...
2009-05-08 回答者: flashcpz 4个回答 6

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