谁能帮我这句翻译英语 在线等
问:我在烟台WECL被评为每月一星 它有一个问题 why you find it necessary t...
答:In Yantai, I am the star of month, it have a question: why you find it necessary to stady(study) Enlisn(English) now?My answer: I think English is useful, we should learn how to speak English. In WECL there are a lot of fun activities, at there I improve my own ...
2008-10-09 回答者: 吴深奥 15个回答
答:practice. I advice that the school can carry out the activities on the weekends with the precondition of not occupying too much of the students' time. I sinserely hope that you can consider my advice as our headmaster. Thank you very much!“【公益慈善翻译团】真诚你解答!
2012-08-22 回答者: Dedicated4u 3个回答
哪位英语好的大侠能帮我用定语从句翻译一下啊 他总不太明白他犯这样一...
答:“他总不太明白他犯这样一个错误的原因。”这句话中的“原因”是先行词,“他犯这样一个错误”是定语从句,由于先行词在定语从句中作原因状语,所以应用关系副词why。这句话的正确译文应该是:He never quite understood the reason why he had made such a mistake ...
2021-04-28 回答者: cn#GukapQBVVG 10个回答 4
答:"save one life building a seven Buddha," "Road Bearing in mind" and so on, these words if only literally into English, then Americans will not understand. 同样的,作为美国的主流宗教,基督教也深刻地植入到了美国文化之中,“上帝”(God)这个字代替了“佛”在中国的意义,一些习语和...
2011-04-23 回答者: 415100195 4个回答
问:这是指环王里的甘道夫讲的一句话^o^ Be silent! Keep your forked tongu...
答:是《双塔奇兵》里甘道夫对奸臣Gríma说的吧?这句翻译过来是:“闭嘴!把你的毒舌收起来。我赴汤蹈火、出生入死,不是为了和你这样的无脑害虫斗嘴的!”I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm这句话是个复句,简化一下结构就是I have not done ...
2010-01-22 回答者: 卧看游丝 7个回答 1
答:Chinese to English: Zibo City, Shandong Province is located in the middle of a city, adjacent to Jinan. Zibo is a very beautiful city. And is a long history of Zibo, in Zibo have a lot of Museum of History, Ancient Chinese Qi is here, and Zibo is one of the world ...
2009-01-30 回答者: 46654424 2个回答 9
问:1.successful language learners are learners with a purpose. 句中第...
答:these people and to learn from them.这句话应该如何翻译?解释一下这句话的语法重点?it is +形容词 +for sb to do something 或者 it is +形容词+ to do something 意思是某人做某事怎么样,做某事对某人来说怎么样 这句话翻译为:他们有必要为了与这些人交流并向他们学习而去学习语言。
2007-01-27 回答者: businessman120 4个回答 4
答:In the daily life, we will have a lot of places which use English dictionary, for example, Be studying English, write English homework, read the time of English article, meet oneself incognizant of single phrase, can ask for help English dictionary The in fact total method is ...
2008-03-19 回答者: 白去深处有人家 4个回答 1
问:1.熬夜 2.做运动 3.在阳光下 4.对...是有好处 5.放弃 6.践踏草坪 7.对.....
答:1. Stay up late 2. To do exercise 3. In the sun 4. On ... is good for 5. To give up 6. Trampled grass 7. ... Is bad on the 8. In the day 9. Hard work 10. Fasting exercise 11. enter 12. in public 13. As we all know 14. in the same day 15. more ...
2010-08-02 回答者: 369226016 5个回答
问:印象中过得最深的圣诞是怎么?(时间?地点?与谁? 2、今年计划怎么过?(...
答:Christmas in the deepest impression on how the flies? (Time? Place? And Who?2, planned for this year how it? (Time? Place? Who?)Time: Christmas Eve Location: not to good, Shenzhen, there are many Western restaurants will be held in the day a lot of thematic activities, ...
2009-12-20 回答者: 飞向那片树林 5个回答 15

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