答:In recent years, with the improvement of China's rural economic development and farmers' living standards of rural households produce more and more municipal solid waste. According to the data of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the National Rural annual sewage 90 billion tons, ...
2012-04-02 回答者: 小可秘密 3个回答
问:Lonely me standing in the vast earth, the smart kids to mention the...
2009-04-23 回答者: texto 2个回答 2
问:Project Name: Project No.: Date of Issue: Response Required by: Sub...
答:Project Name:项目名称 Project No.:项目编号 Date of Issue: 立项日期 Response Required by:回应需求人(就是指谁该回复此申请)Submitted By:提交人 Company Name:公司名称 Submitted to: 递交给 Transmittal No.:传递号(应该是指流水号)
2013-04-15 回答者: 妙妙天天向上 6个回答 2
问:在美国普及Standard English对于新移民或者美国本土人来说都是非常有益...
答:It is beneficial for new immigrants and native Americans to spread Standard English in USA. This policy can help alleviate the conflict caused by racial discrimination and help new immigrants to better fit into the US society in a shorter period of time. I believe that with the ...
2011-10-14 回答者: 就喜欢迪西 5个回答 1
问:"It were as wise to cast a violet into a crucible, that you might d...
2010-09-11 回答者: 素色锦 3个回答 4
问:Collecting coins is not quite as easy as collecting stamps,but begi...
答:或许世界上做值钱的钱币要数1933年的Double Eagle.这种钱币最早发行于1850年,是用来自 California的黄金制成的.这种钱币被改变在1907年,一直被用到1933年.直到美国政府决定提高黄金保有量.人们不再被允许保有金币,所有的金币被上缴到银行,在那里所以的金币被融化除了两枚.这剩下的两妹被保存在一个博物...
2006-07-23 回答者: junaixiaodong 2个回答 4
问:Even in theworld of make-believe, black women still can’t escape th...
答:在她得到作为第一夫人致力于事业,慈善和基金会的机会之前,她最紧迫也最复杂的任务就是单纯地做好她自己。解析: make-believe 假装 n ,由 make believe 这个短语而来。eye-rolling 翻白眼的,衍生出的意思就是心存不满的意思。 be committed to (doing) sth. 致力于 。raised by our never-...
2013-04-10 回答者: Anna封心锁爱 3个回答 6
答:Sichuan Province itself has experienced great changes in recent years. I will be so pleased to show you around in Sichuan, visit the charismatic city Chengdu, introduce you the Sichuan Cuisine, and make friends with the hospitable locals. Please let me know when and where you will ...
2008-12-20 回答者: 下一站彩虹AAE 5个回答 1
问:尊敬的公司领导: 下午好! 我叫XXX,来自江西南昌,一座美丽而古老的城市...
答:Dear Sir/Madam,Good afternoon!My name is xxx. I am from Nanchang, a beautiful city with an ancient history in Jiangxi.I graduated from Central South University in year 2006 with a major in Business English. When I was a freshman, I had a part time job in etiquette.I was...
2007-08-02 回答者: maryswallow 7个回答
请高手帮我翻译英语!谢谢了... 给高分的!!
答:你好 我移民美国7年,专门负责翻译问题,如果可以的话请参考一下我的答案(不过你给的分也真低,怪不得高手来的慢,下次多给点):I don't know love is true or not, but through my own experience, I found out that there is no true love.Among my ex-girl friends, most of them are...
2007-08-27 回答者: a8836547 5个回答

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