问:麻烦帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,请认真一点,有重用的。 正文: 福建泉...
答:Corporation Agency Contact Shenzhen xxx May 8, 2009 联系电话: 传真:福建省泉州市丰泽区东海镇东宝工业区匹克工业园 Contact Phone: Fax Number:Peak Industrial Zone in Dongbao Industril Estate Donghai Town,Fengze District ,Quanzhou,Fujian Province 纯手工翻译,很长时间,很认真。
2009-05-09 回答者: kidfjy 7个回答 2
问:(中翻英)谁帮我翻译一下邮件吧,不难的所以请人工翻一下吧,本人水平奇差 ...
答:1.你又不能看中文邮件了,太遗憾了 1.You can't see the chinese mail again,what a pity 2.我看了你拍的照片了,北京真是美丽的地方,很喜欢.2.I have seen the photos taken by you.Beijing is a nice city,I like it very much.3.你去了这么多美丽的国家,为你感到高兴 3.You have ...
2008-11-22 回答者: 我的人生不打折 5个回答
问:这是别人送我的话。我大概懂什么意思 但不知道怎样说成精炼点哲理点的话...
答:Don't pay for a job until it's finished.在事情没有做完之前,不要给钱 Beware of who has nothing to lose.当心一无所有的人 Don't except life to be fair.不要指望人生是公平的 Don't hesitate to lose a battle if it helps you win the war,如果在一场战役的失败能够帮你赢得整...
2009-10-24 回答者: flutterlee 1个回答 2
答:This story tells us that difficulty is not to give up. If it is teamwork, not because people have different views of a disagreement arises, we must work together to move forward sensibly, to be successful.满意的话就采纳哦!(*^__^*) 对了,你可以用谷歌翻译,很好用哦!!!
2010-07-28 回答者: 银狐姗姗 4个回答 5
答:Want to play with you, eat together, but because they can't work needs.You are also very happy, you and the hustle and bustle of parents for you, look at the single parent family and staying young, you are much more than their happiness.Cherish the present, don't wait ...
2014-01-17 回答者: l651618728 3个回答
答:1、产品更新周期短,三星每年要开发几百种新产品,平均每隔3个月,就会推出针对不同目标客户定位的新产品,这使三星的品牌保持了旺盛的生命力,不断巩固在消费者心中的形象。1, product update cycle is short, Samsung to develop hundreds of new products every year, every 3 months, will launch ...
2013-12-25 回答者: 於山菱 3个回答
答:Technical barriers to trade system, including technical standards and regulations, conformity assessment procedures, packaging and labeling requirements, product inspection and quarantine system, information technology barriers, green barriers, such as content, it has a broad, systemic, legality, ...
2009-03-16 回答者: htt1919 2个回答
问:1.allright,youneedme,don'tyou? 2.Iwanna stay with you 3.what's wron...
答:3.what's wrong with you? 你怎么了,出什么事了?4.gonna sleep in a hurry don't think about anything 着急要睡觉什么都没想 5.why did you keep say that? 你为什么还说那些 6.you must have word to speak to me ? 你必须向我解释一下 7.how couldn't I worry you? 我怎能...
2007-07-15 回答者: 吹雪_西门2 8个回答
答:1. 我对父母的感激之情难以言表。Language is not enough to show thanks to my parents.2. 澳大利亚很希望参加亚运会,但是它不是亚洲成员。Australis wants to join the Asian games , but it not part of Asian.3. 繁忙的一周之末,我总是喜欢有一个茶歇。I always enjoy a tea break at...
2018-02-22 回答者: tonhr 3个回答 21
问:当山峰没有棱角的时候 当河水不再流 当时间停住日夜不分 当天地万物化为...
答:当山峰没有棱角的时候It would be not until the mountain crumbled 当河水不再流 and Stream run dry 当时间停住日夜不分 and Time stood still and Days ceased recurring 当天地万物化为虚有 and Universe disappeared 我还是不能和你分手 would I part from you 你的温柔是我今生最大的...
2011-04-15 回答者: wangmumu1024 2个回答 1

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