英语中set off 可以用什么代替
答:building narrows abruptly 同义词:set-back, setoff, offset 动词set off:1. put in motion or move to act 同义词:trip, actuate, trigger, activate, spark off, spark, trigger off, touch off 2. leave 同义词:depart, part, start, start out, set forth, set out, take off ...
2006-06-10 回答者: monkey05_44 6个回答 2
...3.take 4.pay.这4个都是花费的意思,他们有什么区别,怎么用?_百度...
答:spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。(2) spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。例:They spent two years (in) building...
2013-11-06 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 2
答:Take off, all your preppy clothes You know, you're not foolin' anyone When you become Somebody else 'Round everyone else Your watchin' your back Like you can't relax You tryin' to be cool You look like a fool to me Tell me Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I...
2023-01-21 回答者: qzhanlu 1个回答
l miss you是什么意思
答:l miss you 是我想你;做鬼的天使;包厢跳舞中文舒服嗨串 例句 1.take me to you heart. l miss you, l'm sorry, dear. . .带我到你心里,我想念你,亲爱的,对不起…2.l'm gonna miss you, but l gotta get the hell off this island.我会想念你的,不过我得尽快离开这个岛。3.l ...
2016-03-13 回答者: du小悟 5个回答 4
求jay sean—take that off中文歌词
答:当你担心什么,什么都没有,什么都没有 Baby take that off off off 婴儿采取灭灭灭 Baby take that off off off 婴儿采取灭灭灭 Baby take that off off off 婴儿采取灭灭灭 That’s what I’m talking about 这就是我说的 You know what it is 你知道它是什么 Come and put that body...
2014-01-24 回答者: 杰娜爱芯 3个回答 4
问:1.not only … but also … 2.take off 3.fell off (似乎是过去式) 4.kee...
答:1:不但...而且...(接并列结构)2:起飞;脱掉衣服 3:掉落下来 4:阻止在外面 :like 后+doing 是表示经常喜欢做……+to do 是表示喜欢即将去做的事 I like to go swimming in the afternoon.+sth. 是表示喜欢…… I like my mother.另外:be/look like :像 It looks like raining...
2007-10-28 回答者: 56274728 2个回答 1
head off是什么意思(off是斩首的意思吗)
答:我们将在桥头拦截他们!2.Ifyoutakethenextturningtotheright,you'llbeabletoheadthemoffatthebigcrossroad.如果你在下一个转弯处向右转,你就能在大的十字路口拦住他们。3.Theydidthisinordertoheadoffthecrisis.他们这样做以防止发生危机。head off在这句话里什么意思 Wearenowheadingofftothewesternpartof...
2024-04-18 回答者: 文暄生活科普 1个回答
...so far off the mark在这句话的语境中是什么意思呢?采纳之后给10分...
答:这句话我是看了很久才明白的,这个是TPO里的一个阅读,所以,我就直接回答了 off the mark 不相关 没谱 不准确 take into account 把……考虑进去 not take no for an answer 不容拒绝,不可否认 这句话的意思就是:为了确定他们(专家)的观点是对的,他们对1920年代声音实验上体现的技术...
2012-09-18 回答者: pocketb 3个回答 48
...to you on this matter. You are great!请问这句话是什么意思...
答:take off one's hat to sb 是个词组 钦佩 在这件事上,我很钦佩你
2013-10-28 回答者: GOGOPLAY 2个回答
take与pay for ,spend ,cost有什么区别?
答:(6)pay off one's money还清钱。spend/cost/pay/take (1)spend的主语通常是人,往往用于以下句型:(sb)spend some money/some time on sth.(sb)spend some money/some time(in)doing sth.例如:I spent fifty yuan on the coat.= I spent fifty yuan (in) buying the coat. 我花50元...
2011-06-11 回答者: miaomiao7502 5个回答 49

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