问:二、实习内容: (一)实习公司介绍 日信证券有限责任公司是由内蒙古日...
答:Two, practice contents:(A)Practice company introduction The day believes stock certificate limited liability a company to believe the limited liability company of the stock certificate agent capital increase to expand from Inner Mongolia day and change name since then.Establish in April,2002...
2008-02-26 回答者: 问题满多 2个回答
问:童年是每个人最快乐的时候,那里是梦的起源。 我想每个人都在童年幻想过...
答:Childhood is the most happy time, there is the origin of dreams.I think everyone in childhood fantasies, longing for the fantasy adventure,But as we grew up, we forgot the simplest but most true happiness,To chase the decadent, illusory fall. Then, we complacent with the so-...
2012-05-29 回答者: gjgjg001 5个回答
急用 谁能帮我翻译一下话 译成英文要求文学色彩 高分求助
问:幻想之景 想象之光——黄建南的山水油画 文/徐腾飞 黄先生的艺术,尽管运...
答:Fantasy to imagine the light of the King - John Huang's landscape oil paintings Wen / Xu takeoff Mr Wong, the arts, despite the use of the oil paintings of this medium. But he has done is in "the division good fortune" at the same time, enhance the sense of thinking to...
2008-08-27 回答者: 火星流浪汉 8个回答
问:People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth ...
答:在电影中,你可以看到纽约被淹没的镜头,飞机窗打破后里面人群的混乱,然后撞击到地面上,伴随着巨浪。。。你可以看到夏威夷海边度假胜地被飓风袭击的场景。这就是自然报复的破坏力,这也是对人类的惩罚,千百年来,不断的吞噬自然的人类,现在应该享受自然酝酿已久的致命的惩罚。不好翻啊 ...
2011-10-30 回答者: 五块钱也是奖 2个回答
问:请一定要给我准确的翻译!不要网上软件翻译的!谢谢了O(∩_∩)O~ 各位老师...
答:along lake side to enjoy scenery and beauty.I hope I can study and live with my teachers and classmates here. I am not excelletn but I will make evry effort. I belive : no best but better.直接翻译就是这个样子,不过本人还是建议你调整下你的语序使通篇看起来有条理一些。
2011-09-22 回答者: 千年老醋坛 4个回答 2
问:拜托了,满意的追加20(请不要直接用翻译机~) 该专业包括化学教育、应...
答:This specialty including the chemical education, the applied chemistry and so on two specialized directions, applied chemistry's student main study chemistry aspect's elementary knowledge, the elementary theory, the basic skill as well as the related engineering technology knowledge, receives ...
2008-10-20 回答者: j7j7j8j7 3个回答
答:全程手打,且帮楼主分好段落。望采纳!!In addition, since the society and families have been focusing on students' academic performance and enrolment rate for a long time, the students' academic performance almost become the only standard of judging how good a teacher or a school is,...
2012-09-24 回答者: 人偶子乔 3个回答 1
问:in my dreams i am not so far away form home↙ ↘uP↗↗↗`` what am in a ...
答:远离家,在这个世界上我是什么?All my life all the time so far away from home.远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 我喜欢过简单的每一天,但是有时我却感觉到..我希望找到一个属于我的小地方 我现在要去知道这个...
2007-11-10 回答者: 西湖八仙 4个回答
答:and XML technology. Consequently, set up a network multi-media player including the functions of play, pause,previous, next, skin switch and lyric synchronization.里面可能会有拼写错误,拼写是英式,如果你要美式,需要自己再CHECK一次.此外最后"歌词同步显示"这个我不确定翻译的是否正确.谢谢....
2008-06-03 回答者: gladricky 4个回答
问:Dear Applicant, Thank you for your application and your interest in...
2007-07-31 回答者: fiyeveryday 1个回答

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