问:瓶颈四:只强调成本,不强调价值 上面提到,企业要进行成本控制、增收节...
答:Bottleneck four: only emphasized the costs, do not stress the value of the above mentioned enterprises to control costs, increase revenue to continue to create benefits. However, the "cost" consciousness if too strong, even to care about the point where long-term development for the...
2011-01-18 回答者: 我们的童 4个回答
答:You are the one I love most in my life. I miss you every day,every hour,every minute and every second. In a word,you've taken all my soul. I want you to be with me forever. You've burnt both my body and mind.Now I only want to hold you, untie each button of ...
2008-05-13 回答者: 342607236 4个回答
问:when you're lost and the light is fading the wind blows cold and yo...
答:when you're lost and the light is fading 当你迷路且光线渐渐黯淡下去时 the wind blows cold and you can't find your way back home 冷风出来,你找不到回家的路 remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn 牢记这是黎明前最黑暗的时刻 sometimes a leap of fauth(faith) is...
2009-03-13 回答者: jackzhou9999 4个回答
答:In the winter vacation, my parents and I went to Harbin, known as the ice city. A world of ice and snow in Harbin there is a vast expanse of whiteness, large snowflakes falling down from the sky.Night, Harbin city gradually brightening light.We sat in the car, and soon ...
2012-12-06 回答者: wsq821821 3个回答
问:你好,很高兴认识你。 非常商兴能与您通电话。 不好意思,去电话打扰您...
答:第二层就是用聚合物粘结剂粘住缠好的线。The second is to use polymer binding stick around good lines.第四层也就是最外面这层包上的是橡胶外皮This four-layer package is the most outside of the rubber jacket.实在抱谦,我的英文说得不好,还请多多包涵It holds him, my English is ...
2006-04-27 回答者: 水域麒麟 2个回答 1
问:Taylor‘s work was taking place in a time period when there was much...
2010-05-24 回答者: comprehensiom 3个回答
问:您好! 我是山东财政学院金融学院2011届本科生。我校是由国家财政部和山...
答:Four years, carefully nurtured in the school and my personal efforts, I mastered the system of financial industry expertise, excellent English proficiency, proficiency in operating the computer. In addition, I actively participated in the campus during school activities and social practice, ...
2010-12-18 回答者: 鋼琴上の旋律 4个回答 2
问:谢绝使用自动翻译软件,不必太专业,大体通顺无误就可以了,感激不尽! ...
答:The United States sub-prime mortgage credit crisis starting in the spring, the extension in early summer, between July and August at midsummer resonance expansion for the global financial turmoil. In spite of the world's central banks join hands to inject capital, the Federal Reserve ...
2009-03-22 回答者: QB大王 4个回答
问:前 言 安全工程毕业设计是安全工程专业全部教学进程中的最后一个环节,...
2010-06-02 回答者: 123cs456 2个回答
问:1.Love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when ...
答:5 对世界来说你只是一个人,但对某个人来说,你却是整个世界。6 不要把时间浪费在不愿为你浪费时间的人身上。7 其实有些人只是不以你想要的方式爱你,并不代表他们不会尽他们所有爱你。8 不要太过执着于一件事,最好的东西来临时,你至少还有心情期待。9 或许老天更愿意我们在遇见那个合适人...
2008-04-08 回答者: 沙拉拉_fw 9个回答

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