问:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/-qD0EGczVGQ 这是一段弹跳训练视频...
2010-09-30 回答者: lxylxyfe 1个回答
答:My state of mind is extremely not good , is that the same job composing is to act in a play every day. Do not know being able to how long to play the part of really, person definitely does not lie , falsehood may let person be caught in a abyss there being no the ...
2008-12-11 回答者: huangwanyi1984 7个回答 2
英文高手帮忙翻译这段话 中翻英 急**
答:我会采下列几种方式防止压力。i will take the following methods to prevent presure.1、休息片刻,呼吸一下新鲜空气。呼吸一下新鲜空气,可以使你放松大脑,防止压力情绪的形成。1.take a rest and braeth some fresh air.braeth some fresh air can make you head relax and prevent the forming ...
2008-06-09 回答者: gdfsmilk 3个回答
...还请高人帮我翻译一下,要用翻译工具(金山快译之类的)敷衍我_百 ...
问:Picture this: You are on trial for committing murder and, although ...
2008-11-10 回答者: erihppas 4个回答 23
问:Which animal has the fastest snapping jaw? If you’re guessing a sha...
答:爆米花”的效果也许帮助蚂蚁迷惑敌人趁机逃脱。People have suspected the ants used their jaws to jump for over a century, but could only prove it with today’s modern video equipment.一个世纪以来人们一直在猜测蚂蚁使用颚来跳跃,不过今天通过先进的摄影设备证实了这一点。
2008-10-11 回答者: kobeknows 7个回答 6
答:Not long future and, in particular, about 700 years later in 2700, the unscrupulous human will have the earth home environmental mess. The former days the garden, green space, street, urban... Utterly be piled up by the trash of the occupation. Well, the human science and tec...
2012-02-18 回答者: 恬美de甜美 4个回答
答:Water from the water cycle is different from the Earth through absorption of solar energy has been changing the model to Earth in some other places, such as: ground water by solar evaporation of a water vapor in the air. The presence of water on Earth models including solid, ...
2007-10-06 回答者: 死魚乾 3个回答 4
问:中 文 摘 要 研究性教学作为一种新的教学理念,对大学本科教学的改革、...
答:你好,翻译结果如下:Chinese Summary Research Teaching as a new teaching ideas, the university's undergraduate education reform, development and redevelopment of a sense of innovation and innovative spirit and ability of high-quality personnel of the train and bring up; to promote the ...
2008-05-15 回答者: jiaoshihuia 2个回答 1
答:小企业中的个人无法隐藏在巨大招牌或是公共关系的机器背后,也无法不引人注意地隐藏在企业园建筑群中的几百间小房间中的一间中。如果某人没有尽到职责,该做的事情没有做好,那么每个人都会知道,因此小企业错误的易见性和较小的容忍余地对个人效率和责任感提出了更严格的要求。The individuals in SMEs...
2011-01-15 回答者: MFan09 4个回答 1
问:Unlike the manual orientation of the European construction industry...
答:Wallace K.Harrison 和 Max Abramovitz 于1950年在纽约完成了联合国的秘书处大楼。这是基于Le Corbusier大体设计的一个能容纳3400雇员的办公建筑:一栋前后两面均为巨幅玻璃,两侧是无窗白色大理石墙的细长大楼。1951年,在纽约为摩尔-欧文斯-梅瑞尔合作社(S.O.M)工作的Gordon Bunshaft为利华兄弟公司(...
2010-06-30 回答者: weapon3000 5个回答 1

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