答:On December 20, 2004, LiaoZhongXian pilot wave a driving licence by liao C double-decker buses yulin travel to dalian, 21 at 2, in county territory at about a downhill sections encounter visibility cause buses and fog HuiTongXian LiuMou driving license plate xiang F12345) by (...
2010-12-25 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 2
...一下 , 是要写在论文里的,希望各位高手帮帮忙,翻好一点。。谢谢了...
问:A qualified translator should be not only bilingual, but also bicul...
答:一名翻译必须能够感受到什么是有意隐含在源语言文本和可以或应该在这个翻译作明确的文本。二元是必须吸收和经历过在一个生活的情况。然而,有些主管翻译那些从来没有这种特权的住在乡下,来源或目标语言是,因此,他们不得不依靠浩如烟海的阅读。(奈达2001:99)英语翻译:A qualified translator should be not...
2011-04-19 回答者: 一位游戏迷 3个回答
问:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzYzMDEzNTAw.html 这段。
答:你要是能告诉我你翻译这个干嘛 我就把翻好的全贴出来 (好奇心害死猫啊 我竟然把它全弄完了 顺便做的顺句练习 Proving that they really are leading the pack when it comes to access and originality,有件事能证明兰博基尼能在汽车的便捷及创新方面引领潮流 Lamborghini has unveiled this 那就是...
2012-03-19 回答者: 清风中的慧灵 1个回答 1
问:Likes a person loving Liked crying was tired On the road the pedest...
答:Likes a person loving 我想要一个忠诚的恋人 Liked crying was tired 我曾喜欢哭喊到精疲力竭 On the road the pedestrian is shuttling back and forth 路上的行人来来回回川流不息 Was sad actually does the person have several 其中真正伤心的有几个 Nearby the ear lovers all are singing ...
2008-12-02 回答者: 纵然这样 4个回答
问:请不用用软件或者GOOGLE直接翻译,谢谢。好的回答再追加分! 以下是需翻...
答:第四个逗号前那句话应该是危机是社会生活的组成部分。With the social development and progress, the acceleration of the pace of life,Crisis also will increase production discipline, crisis is an integral part of social life is also an important part of media。Journalists appear in the ...
2010-06-06 回答者: whj257928 4个回答 7
答:love stories published in the "magic island" mobile phone novel download website, one result, attracting millions of visitors click. Readers are the girls high school, many readers after reading "deeply among important that no tears."偶拿工具翻译的。比较准确啦!推荐:有到桌面词典 ...
2009-04-09 回答者: 噯の涙媞俖嘀落 1个回答 1
答:他很年轻的时候来到了上海生活、工作,然后结婚、生子,现在终于能回到自己父母的身边长久的安歇了。我今生可能都不会有自己的孩子了,所以我总想我死后就海葬吧,天下的水都是相通。但当我看见外公躺在松林中,翠鸟低鸣,我第一次产生了强烈的羡慕,躺在那里也很不错。这个 ...
2011-12-30 回答者: ヘ如果我变成回 5个回答
问:古神之间的战争已经持续了500年 邪恶首领终于穷途末路 为了召唤更多的邪...
答:The war between the ancient god has lasted 500 years evil leader finally extremity to summon more evil it crashed into the seal of the export ZhouShan not due to the twilight of landslides have been split and collapse was poorly in the mountains seal millions of years evil spirit ...
2010-09-30 回答者: 夏凯帆 4个回答 1
答:The basic education curriculum regulation phase, the main task of the English learning, and cultivate students' interest in English study, and make students build their confidence, form good learning habits and effective learning strategy, development, cultivate students' autonomous learning ...
2009-12-25 回答者: 飘飘然的羽毛 5个回答
问:I am worried that my battery isn’t performing as well as it should....
答:这段英文讲的是笔记本电池 I am worried that my battery isn’t performing as well as it should. Is there any way that I can test it to see whether it’s ok?The operating system includes a Battery Logger utility to help evaluate battery performance.我很担心我的电池性能是不是最佳...
2008-04-19 回答者: 明不虚传 7个回答 2

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