答:最后,他挂上电话,问来访者:“您有什么事吗?”来访者说:“哦,我是来装电话的。”6. whats puberty(青春期) One evening, in the midst of dinner preparation, our 10-year-old daughter asked, "Mommy, what's puberty?" My wife was rushed at the moment, so she suggested that ...
2011-02-14 回答者: 139542938 2个回答 1
你变了,变得让我如此陌生…… 用英文翻译,快快快!!!
答:you have changed. you have changed so much that you are like a stranger to me.
2010-11-13 回答者: 米丽亚丽娅 3个回答 6
问:重点是改写!!!!!!!!!!!! 以下是原文: Where does the rain...
答:Where does the rain come from?雨是从哪儿来的?It comes from clouds.它来自云。Where does the cloud come from?云来自哪里?It comes from the vapour.它来自于蒸汽。Where does the vapour come from?蒸汽来自哪里?It comes from the water in the river.它来自河里的水。How can the ...
2012-12-27 回答者: 希望去了哪 3个回答 8
答:Hoping our little angel will grow up happily and become more and more lovely and beautiful.
2013-08-31 回答者: 华夏青天 3个回答
问:鼠标:“亲奈滴你看我的新造型漂亮不?” 键盘:“兄弟,我说你不要吓我行...
答:you! Hum, tell you! Later round the point I walk! Otherwise hurt you I don't care!"Mouse: "hum, this words I say just right, bye! Oh no, never goodbye!"Narrator: "this is born, phase Fried same-rooted how too eager ah..."看着太晕了,花了好久才翻译出来~~~汗~~...
2011-02-16 回答者: 762173213 3个回答
答:"Piano Island" , "The hometown of music"
2008-12-09 回答者: 正吉熊 2个回答
小鸟像歌唱家,唱着动听的歌曲。英文翻译 急急急!快快快!
答:the bird likes a singer, singing melodious songs.
2012-03-11 回答者: 陆塔塔 1个回答 1
快快快 英文翻译
问:webcam sex (MSN) or cyber 翻译下
2009-08-28 回答者: love_1003 2个回答
郑聪聪翻译 英文
答:Tommy Bobby Jason James Adrian Joe Dicky Brian Andrew George
2008-06-30 回答者: 你知道_我知道 6个回答 1
答:He must arrive in Japan tomorrow morning
2014-09-24 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 1

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