问:请别用翻译软件,要原创! 参考网址:http://blog.cctv.com/html/18/510018...
答:在这个暑假,我想要试着写英语博客。这里是两篇我写的文章。我知道我的英语很差,所以我希望你们帮助我。如果你们有任何关于北京奥运的好建议,请写给我,谢谢!票很难买到 2008北京奥运会来了。每个人都很期待。在7月25日,最后一张奥运门票被卖给了我们。我去了现场。哦,我的天哪!在售票处前,...
2008-08-13 回答者: zhengmengyi 9个回答 3
问:第一是描述人中毒之后该怎么急救的:【以下开始翻译,下同】 第一,把该人...
答:First, make the person's head looked up slowly backwards.Secondly, examine the person to breathe without breathing, then take immediate resuscitation.Thirdly, call 120 for help, and accompany the person . Waiting for the arrival of an ambulance. Then find the poisoning of people ...
2010-01-13 回答者: comprehensiom 2个回答 3
问:请帮帮我!把这段关于加拿大枫糖节的中文翻译成英文,谢谢。 枫糖节:3...
答:传统的枫糖节都向来自国内外的游人开放,尤其欢迎儿童。一些农场还专门保留着旧时印第安人采集枫树液和制作枫糖的器具,在节日里沿用古老的制作方法,为观光客表演制枫糖的工艺过程,有的还在周末向旅游者免费供应枫糖糕和"太妃糖",任人品尝。 节日里当地居民还热情地为游客们表演各种民间歌舞,带领观光客...
2010-03-22 回答者: 日甜美 4个回答 30
中文翻译成英文 请英文好的同志帮我翻译翻译,万分感谢!
答:The senior hello! Knows your over 60 years old, is also big one generation, but can also personally set an example works as Zhen website the superintendent, you industry have much unite the Zhen compatriot's mood, believed that you Zhen Qingneng causes the American Zhen ancestor ...
2008-04-23 回答者: 寻求答案的精灵 2个回答
问:下面两句话麻烦大家帮我翻成英文,谢谢! 1、由于我刚刚接手这份工作,还...
答:1、由于我刚刚接手这份工作,还是挺生熟的,所以数据传送地晚了,希望你们能谅解!I apologize for being late in sending over the data. I hope you could excuse my mistake as I just took over this job.2、这是这个月的数据,总数是...麻烦核对一下.Attached is this month's data, ...
2008-01-20 回答者: gti_gls 5个回答
问:认识莎莎的第三天也是第三次见面,在公园的湖边无意中完成了一个杰作 之...
答:nice!I talked to Shasa that this photo was better than anything chummy or erotic because it could provid people imagination and reverie.--- 这是我自己翻译的,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助.
2009-01-21 回答者: FEIGE_MINGE 5个回答 4
问:在你心中有这样的一个人吗? 你们可能相爱过,你们也可能喜欢着彼此,在...
答:In your heart have so of a person?You may once love each other, you may also like each other, in your heart have so of a person? But, for the sake of the reason why do you have no ability together? Perhaps he can't make track for you for the sake of the sense of...
2008-09-18 回答者: 黯藍╰☆煋涳 1个回答 1
问:个人简历 (求职意向:机械助理工程师) 基本情况: 姓 名: 政治面貌: ...
答:that they will be an opportunity for your company to contribute its own efforts, I believe your confidence, my strength, as well as our common spirit of innovation will bring us success together!(帮你去在线翻译上查了一下,你下次可以直接在google上输入翻译字样,就能在线翻译了!)...
2008-09-19 回答者: 沐浴阳光的小草 3个回答 2
答:4.我想活得简单点,不要有太多烦恼和悲伤。可是这一点都不简单。I want to live more simple, I don't want any worries and sadness but this is already not simple at all.5.别装了,你真以为我有那么笨吗?你以为你换个用户名,换个头像我就不知道是你啊?Stop pretending will you? Do ...
2013-04-15 回答者: 曾志揚 3个回答
谁能帮我中文翻译成英文 啊!我寄到皇家马德里那,不要网上翻译,好像...
问:亲爱的皇家马德里: 我是一名来自中国云南的球迷,是一个23岁的帅小伙。...
答:Dear real Madrid:I'm a fans from Yunnan China, i am a 23-year-old handsome young boy and i am a football fan, I see the first game of the football match is real Madrid, but I haven't played a football, I enjoy the football, especially real Madrid, will always be ...
2012-04-01 回答者: 1585874178 5个回答 1

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