答:爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice In Wonderland Review on Alice In Wonderland So here we are again, back down the rabbit hole with the ever-resourceful Alice courtesy of another movie studio. Ever wonder why they bother? Perhaps it's the fact that up until the last 50 years there was a ...
2010-12-16 回答者: romandyart 3个回答 18
5篇英语电影内容梗概 字数每篇100多左右 不是观后感是内容简介...
答:where her cold clergyman-cousin St. John Rivers proposes to her; and (5) her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister Gothic elements. Jane Eyre is divided into 38 chap...
2012-08-17 回答者: helensun007009 1个回答
问:用英语写的英语电影观后感(初一水平的)谢啦~~~~ 简单一点的,请不要复...
答:the Film Kung Fu Panda I saw a film called Kung Fu Panda yesterday.It was very interesting.It's a comedy.It was set in 2008.The leading character is a panda called Po.It’s a story about Po.He is lazy and fat .His dream is to be a Kung Fu master.Hower,nobody ...
2009-08-20 回答者: 第47个浪人 7个回答 22
2012-12-16 回答者: 倒吊Scream8 2个回答 5
英语电影观后感 100词 要英文写的 最好是终结者
答:The Terminator is one of those films that no matter if you've seen it or not, you've heard of it, you know at least one or two lines without seeing it.The Terminator is personally one of my favorite movies of all time, I think because this movie really is something ...
2018-02-07 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 13
答:【泰坦尼克号】The heart of ocean which is the name of the diamond in Titanic. It's also the space which a woman's heart could be. And how deep could a woman's heart be so that it keeps a secret for over 84 years without telling anyone the man she has loved, without ...
2014-08-20 回答者: 博信的信信 3个回答
答:爱丽丝梦游仙境观后感 I found the new Alice to be a refreshing view of the original story, which we all know and are over-bored with. It was funny to see how they imagined Wonderland to evolve in time, yet keeping the same fictional characters. The visual effects give depth to...
2013-08-28 回答者: 花染伊人灬水沫 2个回答 2
2017-09-04 回答者: heyu12121 2个回答 5
答:e warm winds blew gently. I was very tired and lay down to rest for a little while. Very soon I went into a state of dreaming.A little girl sleeps in a corner of the garden. She cries and cries until her sound is broken. Suddenly a bright figure appears before the child...
2015-07-16 回答者: 武则天二号是我 5个回答 27
答:《功夫熊猫》观后感 最近,一部动画电影《功夫熊猫》受到了人们的广泛喜爱。一向喜欢看动画片的我一连看了好几遍。这部电影给我带来快乐的同时,也给了我许多启示。故事讲述了一只肥嘟嘟的熊猫阿波从一个普通村民成为一名龙斗士的历程。阿波生活在一个开面馆的家庭。父亲希望他继承家里的面馆生意。但他却...
2014-07-27 回答者: 胡林波12138 1个回答 18

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