问:我国居民家庭理财的现状、问题与对策分析 [摘要]近年来,随着我国经济快...
答:Residents of the family financial situation, problems and countermeasures [abstract] in recent years, along with our country economy fast and steady growth and income level, financial markets won the unprecedented development, financial products more family financial structure, change a more ...
2010-05-10 回答者: Reachsun 2个回答 2
问:这本书的主人公是PAM 和 MARTIN, 主要讲的内容是他们去CAMBRIDGE那天发...
答:the police what happened. With the help of PAN and MARTIN, ALAN ROOK was arrested. Even more,they boarded the second day newspaper and rewarded.最后那句话就是说警察在ABERDEEN这个地方找到了银行的钱。我全部翻译的,不会summary。。。非专业翻译人员,不能保证一点错都没有。。。
2013-10-22 回答者: 猫猫seven 2个回答
问:是关于电影《华尔街》的观后感的。 《华尔街》是部非常成功的商业电影,...
答:The movie is about the Wall Street "about it."Wall Street" is a very successful business movie of the century on, is the classic film. I like it very much.The film contains a profound economic knowledge, it shows a capitalist greed, selfish, but also embodies the people good...
2011-10-18 回答者: 家在远方哈 2个回答
问:One day,an expert in time management was speaking to a group of bu...
答:放进来,否则你将永远没有机会放。如果你为小的事物 (碎石、沙子)忙做一团,那么你将终日为一些并不重 要的小事苦恼,而大的、重要的事情(大石块)却没有 了时间去做。因此,今天晚上,或者早上,当你想起这个小故事的 时候,问问一你自己:什么是我生命中的“大石块”?然后,首先把他们放到你...
2007-01-05 回答者: zhangjie821218 2个回答 9
英语高手帮我翻译下 在线等!中文翻译到英语 请不要用GOOGLE翻译或者其 ...
问:Parys 在想一个点子来对付地狱三头犬,他走到阳台的内部,他看到一个箱...
答:love. After a long and treacherous journey, Paris finally found Gaea and revived his lover. Paris and his wife then lived happily ever after in their home town那个,我把Parys改成Paris了。记得神话里有这么个人。不是的话就该回去吧。人物名称我也翻译了,Hades 哈迪斯 Gaea 盖亚 ...
2010-05-11 回答者: xxXThe_Fallen 3个回答
请高手帮忙把几句中文翻译成英语 请不要请教百度大叔
答:8.每次我想起它,我都会感到很开心 Every time i think of it, i will feel extremely happy 9.帮助他人是一种很棒的举动,这创造了快乐 Helping the others is a kind of great act, for it creates happiness.10.每当我们帮助了他人,我们都会获得一种满足感 Every time we give a hand to ...
2012-04-15 回答者: 粉粉的猪猪公主 3个回答
请高手帮我翻译成英语!谢谢了... 给高分的!!
答:你好 我移民美国7年,专门负责翻译问题,如果可以的话请参考一下我的答案(不过你给的分也真低,怪不得高手来的慢,下次多给点):I don't know love is true or not, but through my own experience, I found out that there is no true love.Among my ex-girl friends, most of them are...
2007-08-27 回答者: a8836547 5个回答
问:文字太多这里放不下,放在我的百度空间里了 http://hi.baidu.com/%BB%D2...
答:我的 请高手帮忙翻译成中文!~28个问题 文字太多这里放不下,放在我的百度空间里了http://hi.baidu.com/%BB%D2%C9%ABdi%CC%EC/blog/item/e1e25a50a97bf9591038c2d9.html问题和答案都请翻译一下!辛苦啦!... 文字太多这里放不下,放在我的百度空间里了http://hi.baidu.com/%BB%D2%C9%ABdi%CC%EC/blog...
2016-12-04 回答者: cmnopt 3个回答 1
答:求高人帮我把一下中文翻译成英文,不要翻译器的~~拜托了~~! Through the five years' practice in college, I hope I can not only increase my knowledge level, but also improve my self-care ability, eapecially my social ability 可以啊,你要觉得做的话就直接Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,这...
2022-11-23 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:With the development of the society, people are becoming increasingly intersted in spiritual life and "being thankful" are frequently reffered to. The Germany poet Raul Delin have said:" full of achievements, man should live a poitic life on the earth." We are flooded with thank...
2012-11-21 回答者: douyaemma 4个回答 2

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