问:请帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文: 最后一座房子 年逾花甲的老木匠向老板请...
答:The last house The old carpenter of over sixty years of age requests the retirement from the owner, prepare to go home children with wife share the happiness of family reunion.The boss return true loathe to give up he, repeatedly request not next, plead an old carpenter to ...
2007-01-19 回答者: 171535838 2个回答 2
问:1. If the earth’s temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all ...
答:为了帮助你理解,有些地方我就按照中文结构翻译了:1. If the earth’s temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all mankind.如果地球温度上升,这将是全人类的灾难。2.After the accident, Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.事故后,比利通过勤奋努力和决心再次...
2011-12-13 回答者: 骆宇星 2个回答 17
问:You are a manufacturer This is you new sample. You will place us th...
答:You accept our price你接受了我们的价格 Your price includes our commission. 你的报价包括我们的佣金 You shipped the goods on time 你要按时发货 You have finished our order 你已经完成了我们的订单 Who is your boss?谁是你的老总 Whom shall I give this sample to ? 我该把样品给谁 Who...
2008-05-22 回答者: sunmoonsong 4个回答
问:A:Menu B: Previous/Pour C:back D:Broadcact/Pause E:Hoid F:Dock F:Th...
答:A 目录 B 前进 C 后退 D 停止 E 锁定 F 下一个目录(意思就等于在复读记上有个键可以把磁带翻面的)G 快捷键 H 中心键:就是你经常会用到的那个 I 耳机接口
2009-01-09 回答者: 兜兜有兩顆糖 3个回答 1
答:The digitized campus construction obtained the domestic and foreign educational fields widespread attention, is also the domestic various universities carries on the informationization construction at present the key point and the hot spot, this article plans under this situation, conducts the ...
2008-03-30 回答者: liux25833 2个回答
问:摘 要 随着人类社会的迅猛发展,科技、经济、文化、教育等都取得了巨大...
答:With the rapid development of human society, science and technology, economy, culture, education and so on have made tremendous progress, but at the same time, human demand on natural resources increased dramatically, the world is facing unprecedented pressure, resource shortages and ...
2008-06-01 回答者: zhaiyixin15 3个回答
问:节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马...
答:Rhythm and blues (in English: Rhythm and Blues, referred to as: R & B or RnB, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, Malaysia new for R & B), also known as rhythm blues. Is the first African-American performance artist, and fusion of jazz, gospel music and blues music, rhythm ...
2010-04-25 回答者: 抓猫的老鼠007 1个回答 3
答:I'm very sorry, because have been waiting for the extension contract, so now just submit this report, also please refer to the attached contract.续约的合同,有时会有一个,例如项目更改的情况发生,所以最后he real defined service end dates,和合同日期,是否不同,希望可以放宽。The ...
2011-03-16 回答者: tanchaooo 4个回答
问:1.Today,My roommates and I went shopping,We were very happy,but aft...
2008-07-13 回答者: xx8229146 7个回答
问:.大多数优秀的篮球运动员都在NBA. 2.NBA的球员扣篮,投篮很酷. 3.姚明在N...
答:我有几句中文,谁帮我翻译英文,很容易的,要正确!!! .大多数优秀的篮球运动员都在NBA.2.NBA的球员扣篮,投篮很酷.3.姚明在NBA火箭队.4.易建联在NBA的新泽西网队.还有单词.得分,篮板,助攻,抢断,盖帽,犯规,扣篮,投篮,突破我就50分了献给好人... .大多数优秀的篮球运动员都在NBA. 2.NBA的球员扣篮,投篮很...
2009-11-16 回答者: RIKUSEI 4个回答

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