答:Megaphone professional power amplifier, referred to as sound system of power amplifier, is the most basic equipment, it is the role of the weak signal from source to enlarge, generate enough electricity to drive the speaker sound. This design USES the integrated operational amplifier LM...
2010-06-25 回答者: 最近我失忆了 5个回答
问:1.allright,youneedme,don'tyou? 2.Iwanna stay with you 3.what's wron...
答:3.what's wrong with you? 你怎么了,出什么事了?4.gonna sleep in a hurry don't think about anything 着急要睡觉什么都没想 5.why did you keep say that? 你为什么还说那些 6.you must have word to speak to me ? 你必须向我解释一下 7.how couldn't I worry you? 我怎能...
2007-07-15 回答者: 吹雪_西门2 8个回答
问:在中国的这些日子过得愉快吗? 今天是第一次发电子邮件给你,也不知道要写...
答:photos?(Because weijia did not send me and I cannot find her )I'm curious to know your boyfriend. He must look handsome!Hope this first e-mail finds you well and look forward to your reply.其实你的最后一句话没什么必要,东西方人的客气方式不一样:)所以我稍微修改了一下。
2007-08-03 回答者: felixfac 9个回答
问:交通设施 标志牌 减速带 反光镜 护角 车位锁 球面镜 分道柱 路锥 这些单...
答:上海开创(Kaichuan是你们公司的名啦,是不是开创啊)实业发展有限公司是一家交通安全产品和公共场所使用的设备的专业制造商,位于上海,是最现代化的工业城市在中国和中国最重要的港口。With decades of experience in rubber processing, we have developed a wide range of traffic safety products. Our...
2010-07-01 回答者: 泳恒の星 4个回答 2
麻烦帮我翻译一下徐誉滕的《给某某的信》,翻译成英文哈。不要用软 ...
问:这是歌词! 好久没有你的消息 此刻的你在世界哪个角落 现在好吗 一切好...
答:a letter to somebody I haven't hearing from you for a very long time,where were you been in the world this moment.how are you now ,and is there everything all right did you think about the past moment from time to time Finally we were no longer a child,but you still ...
2011-01-02 回答者: 咖啡牛奶r 2个回答 2
答:第一:我了解到贵校的学习制度是很严谨的,校风很好,师资力量雄厚。第二:贵校的专业很适合我,我非常愿意在贵校学习。第三:我想在贵校锻炼自己,以后为贵校做贡献,为社会做贡献,为国家作贡献。我非常想加入贵校,称为贵校中的一份子,请各位老师给我机会,我一定不负众望。谢谢老师们。Dear ...
2013-03-06 回答者: wyh2670 2个回答 2
答:Product name: Multivariant Xiu protects skin of eye part cream frost suitable for use: The black eye socket , eye bag , corner of the eye lines, resist to become fagged. Component: Green melon extracts cream , transparent sour sodium of quality , vitamin plain B5 , the sea ...
2009-07-11 回答者: 挽秋阁主 8个回答
答:We will be December 24 to December 30 held in English Culture Week activities. Place in the school hall. At that time we can make speeches and debate. We can also exchange students and the experience of learning English. At night, we still have English evening, we will play ...
2008-06-05 回答者: 嘟嘟晨鸟 4个回答
英文好的 ,帮我翻译一下啊。
问:I hope my writen you can't konw forever I do not know if really wan...
答:我不再愿意 I must be me.I am I.我必须做我自己。我就是我。I must be peaceful.Too needed to be peaceful.我必须安静。非常需要安静,平和。All do not come to be tired of me,All rolls to me,Rolls distant point.请不要对我所有的这些厌倦。这篇英文语法比较奇异 参考资料:★尊重...
2016-08-30 回答者: coolshiyong 7个回答 2
答:别谢我I go to seek a great perhaps+ 麻烦帮我翻译中文一下谢谢 我去寻找更好的,也许 请老师帮我下面的话翻译成英文 谢谢了! speak before knowing what you are for sure 推荐这个,因为比较地道 speak before judging your ability 如果要直译,这个也行 depend on yourself ...
2022-10-17 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答

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