问:一年中有四个季节,这四个季节各有特色,其中,我最喜欢的就是秋天。 一...
答:on the powers of knowledge while awaiting the bigger harvest of the coming year.我是凭我对这段文的理解翻译的,已经尽量找着原来的句子的形式了,可你也知道英语和中文毕竟有区别。像是“一叶落而知天下秋”我就只能翻译成落叶是秋天的一大特色 >.< 希望这个答案能帮助你,好好学英语吧。
2008-10-18 回答者: 夏晓淇 3个回答
请帮我翻译一下这段英文 谢谢!
问:good night folks...good to be home..gonna head into the laboratory ...
2010-12-07 回答者: lynnelinxue 7个回答 1
答:With an increasingly fierce competition in job hunting nowadays, the employment has already become a common concern. Although the government is keeping on increasing the employment opportunity at the present, it is not adequate compared to the more accelerating quantity of employment. In...
2010-09-18 回答者: coserQ 5个回答 1
问:我国与中东的石油贸易对我国油价的影响分析 摘要 我国作为一个经济高速...
答:An Analysis of the Impact on the Oil Prices By the Petroleum Trade Between China and the Middle-east Countries.Abstract:As a country with a rapidly developing economy, it is needless to say that China has a great demand for energy. This demand must be met in order to maintain ...
2014-05-15 回答者: andychewbj 3个回答
答:Kawashima under and across the desired Kawashima on the next Palace Kawashima Island Beach Resort for the provincial tourism resort, located under the south Kawashima, from three sides surrounded by Qi, an environmental quiet crescent-shaped harbor. Palace Chau 1600 meters long sandy beach...
2008-12-04 回答者: TATA木门_zh 2个回答 2
答:For many years, the continent of Australia has been alone in other continents, other animals on the continent, almost no contact with the outside world, in addition to the indigenous people, because they are considered to be the ancient times from the Asian continent to migrate ...
2015-11-25 回答者: 我才不是半仙 1个回答
问:麻烦大家帮我翻译一下!我英文不好~但是还要写英文简历!-0-· 1.汉(民...
答:2.团员 League member 3.良好 Excellent 4.中专 Technical secondary school 5.医药科技学校 Medicine Sci-Tech School 6.财务管理 Finance Management 7.营销 Marketing 8.苏州市苏锦二村XX幢XX室 Room xx, Building No.xx, Sujin 2nd Village, Suzhou 9.基础会计 Basic Accounting 10.江苏省英语中级...
2007-05-28 回答者: anngelyun 15个回答 3
答:What is the real friendship? The real friendship is when I have the difficulty time friend of mine to be able selfless to help me, gives me to show loving care for, when they need what time I can also wholeheartedly is they pays. Between the friend does not need to say ...
2009-01-07 回答者: 741068786 7个回答
问:Hi,I’m kate。I'm in Class 1B。I’m short and slim。My hair is short...
答:volleyball。我不太喜欢体育活动 但除了排球 I like salad and burgers。我喜欢吃沙律和汉堡包 My Favourite person is my best friend,Sally。沙莉是我最喜欢的好朋友 She’s in the same class as me。We enjoy singing and dancing together 她也我读一个班的 嗯 我们都同样喜欢 唱歌和跳舞 ...
2011-09-04 回答者: 鑫鑫紫 3个回答 1
问:大家好,我非常高兴地站在这里来介绍一本书给你。 这本书的名字叫做《狮...
答:谁可以帮我用英文翻译一下这篇介绍啊。3.16号晚上前要。急~~(不要太难啊)  我来答 首页 在问 全部问题 娱乐休闲 游戏 旅游 教育培训 金融财经 医疗健康 科技 家电数码 政策法规 文化历史 时尚美容 情感心理 汽车 生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 ...
2009-03-27 回答者: chenjie7878 4个回答

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