问:It was a slow day in the railway ticket office in 乌鲁木齐.As i wal...
答:在乌鲁木齐铁路售票处度过的这一天十分缓慢。当我走到售票窗口的时候,并没有排队买票的队伍,我感觉自己运气还算不错。然后售票员用中文说道:“meiyou”,就是没有的意思 。在我的那位稍微懂一点英语的出租汽车司机的帮助,我买到了一个到上海的硬座车票—52个小时的行程。但是对我来说太慢了,我...
2010-02-26 回答者: hythloday 6个回答 2
问:At last I can answer you. Excuse what not in a condition was to ans...
2013-01-08 回答者: 正版vera0410 4个回答
问:翻译成英文 题目:方鸿渐与康伟业人物形象悲剧性比较--读小说《围城》和...
答:Topic: Fang Hongjian and the Kang cause character vivid tragedy comparison -- reads the novel "Besieged city" and "Comes and goes" the abstract: Under two kind of times backgrounds two men Fang Hongjian and the Kang cause, their disposition and the life experiences totally different...
2008-04-15 回答者: 690561534 3个回答
答:汗一个先。。这作文好牛X———1looking at the cleaning classroom.the students smiled,while wapping away the sweat on the forehead.2 :"thank you, kid, and,what's your name?--"I am the red-scarf"3" it is sunshine and cloudiless today,we come to the XXX park for the sp...
2009-01-12 回答者: 寻找个性的鱼 4个回答 3
答:Past decade, as excessive pressure on energy demand, oil prices climbed year after year the grim situation, the main subject of the world shipbuilding industry concentrated in the energy conservation, finding new energy and new energy exploration and other aspects of the use of methods....
2011-02-26 回答者: cctvzhangding 4个回答
问:Third Logistics in Electronic Commerce Environment Abstract The thi...
答:enterprises must have passed.因此,电子商务将会被应用于第三方物流企业并且电子商务的优势将会改变去适应去迎合第三方物流企业以更多的利润,这是第三方物流企业必经的最重要的道路之一。尽力翻译了,为此还专门学习了一下关于电子商务的词汇,呵呵。可以保证专业性和准确性哦^0^ 希望答案您能满意。
2008-09-29 回答者: 清索惠 2个回答 1
问:I'm on biz trip from Aug 24 till 28. Should you have any urgency, p...
答:General Installation Stock and Chik Hing Ip (2963 3960) or Yan Pui Fung (2963 2667) for Spare Parts.Best regards 我的商务旅行,从8月24日至28日。如果您有任何紧迫性,呼吁Dannies何薪酬水平调查(2963 3016一般安装股票和叶植兴(2963 3960)或严佩凤(2963备件2667))。最好的问候 ...
2009-08-25 回答者: 0919LWJ 4个回答
问:怕自己翻得不好,所以请高人帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文,谢谢了~ 各位...
2009-10-01 回答者: atlas_young 6个回答
答:分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述:江南的春天素称多雨,一落就是七八天。住在上海的人们,平日感不到雨的需要。一旦下雨,天气是那么阴沉,谁也耐不住闷在狭小的家里,可是跑到外面,没有山,没有湖,也没有经雨的嫩绿的叶子,一切都不及晴天好,有时阔人的汽车从你身边驶过,还得带一...
2022-10-12 回答者: 折翼的小2B41 1个回答 1
答:English Course Standard(experiment draft) 》point out that, at the foundation education stage, the mission of English course is:Stir up and develop the English-studying interest of students, Help students set up self-confidece, develop a good learning habit and form valid study ...
2006-09-29 回答者: moonmoonsun 3个回答

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