问:Is it possible to arrange one day later on Oct 23? Because we have ...
答:Is it possible to arrange one day later on Oct 23? Because we have another customer arriving at our factory on Oct 22 and some staff may be unavailable on that day. Please let me know if Oct 23rd would be possible. Thanks!!是否有可能将时间安排在10月22日以后,因为我们的另外...
2010-01-09 回答者: DanielHoward 4个回答
问:不要机译,谢谢合作。内容以下: 你好,你说的照片我明天才能发得了给你...
答:你好 Hello!你说的照片我明天才能发得了给你,因为现在还正在生产。Refer to the photos you required, we will be able to send them to you only by tomorrow for the production is in progress at the moment.对了,运输方式你决定了吗?请告诉我。Have you decided the means of ...
2010-02-03 回答者: 蛋蛋壳2009 5个回答 4
问:帮忙看看下面这几句话,中文翻译成英文和拼写是否正确。 因为是自己写的...
答:以下是本人的版本,呵呵 Hide not the truth. 告诉我真相。why did you escape from our game? 为什么不与我一起玩这个游戏?The only question I have, is whether our love still alive? 我想知道:你是否爱我。Miss you day and night, though it hurts. 我日日夜夜思念着你。And I know ...
2009-11-16 回答者: 苍月晗冰 5个回答 2
问:1:回忆里你伤我,抑或害我,都惨不过你我曾一起那么幸福过。 2:记忆像雾...
答:1: the memory of you hurt me or harm me, are miserable but you I've been so happy.2:记忆像雾一样, 不清晰, 但一直萦绕在心里。 2: memory, like fog, like, not clear, but have been lingering in the mind.3:向往天空的,都是寂寞的。 3: Yearning for the sky, are ...
2010-06-27 回答者: ☆★星星☆★ 10个回答
答:我的目的是要告诉大家:或许你觉得你并不需要去说服某个人去做什么事,但是如果你不希望被说服去做你其实并不需要做或并不愿意做的事情,你就应该防止被别人说服的方法。What I would like to tell you all is:May be you don't think there any need to talk someone else into doing something...
2013-04-21 回答者: 曾志揚 4个回答 1
答:China is a big country that has 5,000 years history, we own brilliancy of past.Now, China flies to develop soon, we also had an ability to hold world cup, China acquired world cup to hold power in 2014.Let us wish a wish together here, the Chinese brigade can praise to ...
2006-10-30 回答者: 下课铃响了 51个回答
问:1由于面包都卖完了,我不得不买一些蛋糕作为我的早餐。 2我们应当学会感...
答:您好,以下是我人工参考翻译,希望对你有帮助:1 because it sold out of bread, I had to buy some cake for my breakfast.2 We should learn to appreciate our parents.3 From now on, this guide has already led more than 1000 foreigners that had been in the exposition area (the ...
2010-01-03 回答者: Rafael_宇 5个回答
问:4、新课程背景下小学英语课堂教学的有效性策略的研究 4.1、课前准备 课...
答:Under the background of the new curriculum primary school English teaching effectiveness strategies 4.1、Class preparation Prepare lessons before class, including teachers and students of the preview. Teachers should emphasize preparing lessons, independent study independent, and to advocate ...
2010-04-21 回答者: 梦想success 6个回答 1
问:本文对生物信号心电和呼吸信号的调理、采集和处理进行了分析和设计。 随...
答:Abstract:This essay analyzes and designs the conditioning, collection and processing on biological signal and electrocardiosignal and respiratory signal.With the rapid development of modern technology and the need for medical research, medical diagnosis and medical treatment, modern biomedicine ...
2009-06-03 回答者: 漠漠云海 6个回答 5
问:谁可以帮个忙? 谢谢!! 我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,翻译了好久...
答:请帮我将下面的中文翻译成英文,万分感谢! 45 谁可以帮个忙?谢谢!!我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,翻译了好久,都不行...因为我是高中毕业的,毕业已经好多年了...英语都忘记好多了...但是现在要用到,可是我翻译不了啊...我用... 谁可以帮个忙? 谢谢!! 我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,...
2009-02-28 回答者: 大嘻嘻小可爱 15个回答

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