问:请大家给我提供一篇大约50词,词语不难的英语短文。 要有关中国有趣的传...
答:In the world today, there are millions of surveillance cameras, or 'spy cams', watching and monitoring our daily activities. There are some benefits of course, as people who are breaking laws can be watched and caught using cameras and this helps keep our society and public places...
2016-12-01 回答者: 立刻8 4个回答 45
答:Dragon Robe (龙袍)Even though the dragon is an imaginary animal, it was long regarded as a god in China and was loved and respected as the highest symbol of good luck in the animal kingdom. The dragon thus became a symbol representing the dignity of Emperor, who was ...
2008-03-28 回答者: Tumbler2008 1个回答 7
答:good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " :The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of technology and science . Maybe some ...
2013-04-02 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 35
2023-06-18 回答者: cn#VLLVaLfpkL 4个回答 2
答:In China, on the theoretical explanation of the relationship between language and culture, although not as brilliant as Western, but combined with traditional language is a long history of cultural studies. To promote world Chinese teaching of development and China language culture of ...
2011-01-07 回答者: 莣忧ling 1个回答 12
问:用英语介绍中国的饮食文化~如:中国的饮食分类,特点,起源~ 酌情加分~...
答:Food Culture Back Chinese Cuisine Font Size: - Large - Small As a country that pays great attention to courtesy, our cuisine culture is deep rooted in China's history. As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that table manners are ...
2006-12-08 回答者: maryswallow 2个回答 13
答:演讲稿还是自己写比较好。你可以在网上搜一如何继承中国的“琴棋书画”,然后再把它用中文表述出来。琴Guqin 棋Go 书Calligraphy 画Chinese painting are the four arts in ancient China and these are the symbols of many artistic elements in traditional Chinese cultures. If one who equipped with...
2010-01-06 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 2
答:Food and beverage products as a result of geographical features, climate environment, customs and other factors, will appear in the raw materials, flavors, cooking methods, eating habits of different degrees of difference. The difference between Chinese and Western cultures to create a ...
2014-06-19 回答者: 龥F473 1个回答 10
答:As is well known to us all,China is one of four ancient and civilizational countries in the world. In fact ,It has a more long history than we have ever known. Because of this, many ancient architectures and all sorts of historical books are often found in different places ...
2011-07-26 回答者: 花开VS未落 1个回答 9
中国传统文化 英语作文
答:这些东西都可以再网上查到!关于长城的传说 In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of...
2016-12-01 回答者: 199733qaz 4个回答 36

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