问:求一篇英语作文 题为《我的大学》不住校 主人为一女生,大二 要求800词...
答:My college life As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies. Recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. At this time, I just can’t tell my real idea. The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday!When first ...
2013-09-07 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 10
答:走读的解释 走读是只在学校上课,而不住宿。指对于所填志愿院校,若被录取是否同意以非120住校方式就读。走读生来校上课、参加其他课外活动,但不住校。只要是寄宿制学校就会分走读和住校。一般非寄宿学校学生都是走读的,分为小学至大学不等。走读生可以在学校食宿,同时遵从学校安排。走读还要有一定的...
2021-09-14 回答者: 小凤的快乐生活 25个回答
答:Dear sir,I hear that our school will welcome some Canadian students to stay with us for or two weeks. Students who want to invite them to stay can take part in it. I want to try.First , my parents and I can speak English well. That benefits us to communicate with each ...
2012-03-17 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 59
答:Hi, Nice to meet you. Can I help you, Sir?I need a single room.With bath or with shower?With bath.Ok, A king size bed single room with bath, the room rate is $120 per night.Ok, I will take this room.If you have luggage, Sir?Yes.How do you want to pay? Cash ...
2013-10-19 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 1
答:三、美国大学住宿须知 (1)申请截止日期 一些学校住宿名额有限,并不能保证所有提出住宿申请的学生都能获准,大多数学校对于住宿名额实行「先到先得」的原则。因此越早申请住宿,分配到心仪的宿舍的几率就越大。 (2)宿舍分配 宿舍和室友的分配一般是通过邮件的方式告知学生。学生可以提前了解,并与未来的室友取得联系。
2022-07-08 回答者: 胆碳椭82 1个回答
答:Dear Friends,I just wanted to thank you again for the birthday party last night.I was really happy when everyone sang the Happy Birthday song.I liked the presents too.It was a really nice surprise.I will never forget that birthday.Thank you so much!I am very lucky to have ...
2015-03-16 回答者: 香港澳门处女座 1个回答 2
答:向下面文章的清华大学学生那样刻苦学习就能考上 刻苦拼搏攀登人生理想的巅峰 ——一位清华在校生的报告 各位同学好: 今天,我非常荣幸的站在这里给大家做一个关于高中学习方面的报告,下面我将结合自己在高中三年和大学三年的所见所感所想,通过一些事例向大家说明我们将会在高中遇到的一些问题及处理办法。我希望大家从我...
2016-06-11 回答者: 等等我把是我3 1个回答 2
答:住宿费 quarterage; hotel expense
2007-02-05 回答者: spring797 3个回答
答:客户:一个带浴盆的单人间和一个朝着湖的双人间。柜台服务员:没问题。你们的房间号是201和204。客户:。3 Clerk: Hello, sir. Have you reserved already?Guest: No, is there a single room left?Clerk: Yes, how long will you intend to stay?Guest: For a week or so. Do you give ...
2017-06-14 回答者: cn#GLkafGkBpV 1个回答 2
答:We will arrange your lodging, and offer you our best reception.
2013-08-12 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 1

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