答:翻译:周末来临了。我的周末会过得很快乐。星期六早上,我要做作业,然后出去玩,我要去书店看书,到了晚上,我和我的父母去外边吃饭,星期日早上,我去图书馆或者做作业,然后听音乐,到了下午,我和我的妈妈一起去购物,我非常喜欢购物 这就是我既快乐又繁忙的一天,你喜欢这样的周末么?
2019-11-08 回答者: 187******71 2个回答 32
答:初二英语作文50词带翻译 my life英语作文100词带翻译 六篇初一英语作文60词带翻译 高中生英语作文100词带翻译 优秀高中英语作文120词带翻译 关于高中英语作文120词带翻译 my happy family英语作文60词带翻译 初一英语作文50词带翻译 初一英语作文范文100词带翻译的作文 英语作文范文 猜你喜欢 初中英语作文...
2023-11-06 回答者: 时空南岳解说 1个回答
以My day 为题写一篇作文(不少于5句话) 要有翻译
答:你是不是对英语非常苦手,遇到英语作文就无处从下手非常头疼,没有写作思路呢?下面我就分享三篇以My Day为题的英语作文吧, 翻译也给出来了哦,希望能打开你的思路,让你下笔如有神! 写作思路:先介绍自己的名字,再按照时间顺序写自己一天做了什么,比如说七点起床吃饭,八点做作业等等。最后加一个结尾就可以了,分享...
2023-04-19 回答者: 清见事宜 3个回答 11
答:in Beijing. We will have a very good time. We are going to Putuo and Xiangshan. Ther I will see the beautiful sea. I will also enjoy having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the moonlight. It will be really cool.以上供参考!希望能帮到你!
2020-07-12 回答者: greenolive777 3个回答 273
答:正文:Nearly two months of working time let me understand a lot of truth, and brought endless fun to my study life, can learn knowledge that books can't learn.近乎两个多月的打工岁月让我明白了很多道理,并且给我的学习生活带来了无穷的乐趣,能够学习到书本上学不到的知识。ard ...
2021-01-02 回答者: 蹦迪小王子啊 6个回答 3
答:I like dogs.Many people like dogs.Dogs and people are friends.Some dogs also do different linds of work.Dogs are used to keep watch.They tell people when dangeris coming.Some dogs are used to keep people safe.They sre also used to move animals like sheep or goats.Some dogs...
2011-08-23 回答者: 万事相知 4个回答 31
答:I get up at 7 o'clock every day.Then I wash my fash and have breakfast.After that , I go to school by bus .I like studying with my classmates .After class , I usually come home at 6 o'clock in the evening.I usually do my homework when I come home.I am very busy...
2017-02-21 回答者: 轻易破 2个回答 30
以My day 为题写一篇作文(不少于5句话) 要有翻译
答:你是不是对英语非常苦手,遇到英语作文就无处从下手非常头疼,没有写作思路呢?下面我就分享三篇以My Day为题的英语作文吧, 翻译也给出来了哦,希望能打开你的思路,让你下笔如有神!写作思路:先介绍自己的名字,再按照时间顺序写自己一天做了什么,比如说七点起床吃饭,八点做作业等等。最后加一个...
2023-04-19 回答者: 清见事宜 3个回答 11
答:Jack I have a very cheerful holiday in “The National Day”. My parent and I went to Shanghai about nine days ago. We got there by plane, I think that shanghai must be a very big city, and there are a lot of tall buildings. First we went into the hotel named”chuang...
2011-06-22 回答者: q85828285 3个回答 18
答:题主,你好!上周末做了什么,用一般过去时。比如:My last weekends I did many things last weekends. I listened to music. I did my homework.I watered the flowers. I played with my brother. I had a good time last weekends.我的上周末(生活)我上周末做了很多事情。我听了歌。我写...
2020-03-04 回答者: Pinku目玉 1个回答 10

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