答:When Marv climbed through the window and with no shoes on stepped on those ornaments! That had to hurt, especially the five-pointed star!对于英语观后感这种东西如果字数要求不高可以到在google上输入电影英文名然后找一些网页上面有人对电影的评价和打分的这种网页很多,就可以化为己用了 ...
2017-11-23 回答者: 微寒著 2个回答 196
英语电影观后感(用英语表述)词数100左右!急~ 电影如下↓
答:Puss in Boots Years before meeting Shrek and Donkey, the adorable but tricky Puss in Boots must clear his name from all charges making him a wanted fugitive. While trying to steal magic beans from the infamous criminals Jack and Jill, the hero crosses paths with his female match...
2013-08-13 回答者: Noahfan 1个回答 25
答:the implementation of China's space technology development milestone major leap forward,the people of China are climbing the peak of world science and technology of another great feat,but also dedicated to the great homeland of the precious 60-year-old birthday present General of the ...
2015-05-17 回答者: 小英英31 2个回答 5
答:这个电影为我们讲述了一个平凡的熊猫怎么成为一个真正的龙武士的。 起初,师傅不相信熊猫能成为勇敢的龙武士。 通过熊猫坚持不懈的努力,他赢得了师傅的认可。 师傅谨遵乌龟的教诲,努力将熊猫培养成真正的武士。 最终,熊猫成功的打败了他们的最大的敌人---虎。 这部电影告诉我们这样一个道理:只要我们...
2017-12-15 回答者: 921755683 2个回答 292
答:嘿嘿 ,你问对人了,首先推荐你 阿甘正传,主演汤姆·汉克斯,我的偶像,这部电影我看了3边哭了2边。还有肖申克的救赎,一个人在监狱里也可以活的精彩!拯救大兵瑞恩 ! 最后我推荐你一部日本的,马拉松,我们学校组织看这个时候,那哭的,叫个壮观! 其实要剧情,观后感,你去看好莱坞大片都OK,...
2010-08-16 回答者: 期待礼物 2个回答 7
答:If only Today, I will talk about a movie I love. The name of the movie is If Only.It is a love story about a pretty girl and a handsome man. Samantha is a student in a music school, she loves her boyfriend Ian very much. Also Ian loves her, but Ian does not know ...
2010-08-17 回答者: sanrenmi 6个回答 10
答:For people around the world like Ridley Scott science fiction, perhaps we film heroine seek answers to the "creators" Ridley Scott. Desire for him to complete those years did not finish the story but with amazing magic. Or, as I hope to see better from Blade Runner debate about...
2012-11-21 回答者: lmzfk 2个回答 1
问:随便什麽电影 人物 地方场景 情节 冲突(矛盾) 解决等等
答:这是我以前的作业,希望能帮上忙~~The Worst Film that I Have Ever Seen To me, a good film should contain a good story, an all-star cast with excellent performance, and of course there should be good directors and cameramen. “100 Million BC” is the worst film that I have ...
2009-04-30 回答者: 荆棘鸟的声音 1个回答 29
答:★ 《我和我的国》影片观后感6篇 ★ 电影《沂蒙六姐妹》观后感范文5篇 ★ 《攀登者》电影观后感6篇 ★ 2019电影《我和我的祖国》观后感600字精选10篇 ★ 《我和我的国》建国电影观后感6篇 ★ 《我和我的祖国》感人观后感6篇 ★ 《建党伟业》电影的观后感1000字六篇 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回...
2022-06-08 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答
答:开学要演讲?那就选《大地震》吧,至于观后感,网上多的是 时间飞逝,34年前的那场残酷的大地震曾牵动了无数人的心。唐山大地震,这个可怕的字眼,仅仅是在短暂的几秒钟里,一个繁荣而平静的城市就灰飞烟灭,成了一片渺无声息的废墟。虽然我并没有亲生经历,但仍然令我极为震撼。观看了刚刚...
2010-08-21 回答者: jumiz 1个回答 1

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