答:你的选择将适用于音频和视频,如果双方都被使用 ⊙不要使用ffdshow(仅这一次)。○不要使用ffdshow(总)。○使用ffdshow(仅这一次)。○使用ffdshow(永远)这个exe文件名称□报告通过网络匿名 解释,ffdshow会表现得好像没有安装 □别再问我 确定 参考资料:自己 ...
2009-06-28 回答者: betterdance 5个回答 10
问:麻烦谁能帮我翻译一下!多谢了! 我通过booking在贵旅店预约了一个房间...
答:i have booked a room in your hotel by booking, the time is from March 19 to April 18.
2012-02-26 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:Content is: Abstract: Contemporary Art gaps in research fields, most of the people in the contemporary art history have focused on the tendency of this ancient thin, to the ancient art history and contemporary history of the treatment of bias, even more serious is that many ...
2008-05-06 回答者: 嘟嘟晨鸟 2个回答
答:呵呵.我的翻译.我可没用翻译软件哦.I'm really like him(我是真的喜欢上了他), but he won't even look at me(可是他总是看都不看我一眼). I'm so sad(我很伤心). Who can help me?(谁能帮帮我) What am I going to do?(我该怎么办) I can not live without him(我真的...
2005-12-06 回答者: 知道网友 40个回答
问:世界上最远的距离不是 树与树的距离 而是 同根生长的树枝却无法在风中相...
答:The farthest distance in the world Is not the distance between two trees But the branches cannot depend on each other in wind even they grow from the same root The farthest distance in the world Is not the braches cannot depend on each other,But two stars cannot meet even they...
2006-10-22 回答者: cynthia132 2个回答 1
问:本公司主要为澳大利亚、法国等地区的客户提供用于酒类促销的小礼品、 赠...
答:Our company mainly for Australia, France and other areas to provide for the small gifts, promotional alcohol Donations, According to the requirements of customer main production or purchase. Contains a variety of products, such as: shopping bags, cosmetic suits, wine bottle, tall red ...
2010-05-19 回答者: 玄碧琳 3个回答 6
问:浅谈激励在企业管理中的应用 [摘要] 如何才能使企业在激烈的市场竞争中...
答:浅谈激励在企业管理中的应用 brief discussion on the application of motivation in organisational management [abstract] how do organisations succeed in the drastic market competetion? what is the drive for a business's long term growth? in recent years, human resources is no longer ...
2006-11-27 回答者: 蝴蝶打滚 3个回答
问:Hemos estado trasteando con una serie de controles Activex presente...
答:自动翻译:我们一直trasteando一系列本控件在Windows2000的完全补丁服务器而其结果是,25个activex亟需一个或另一个方式(从stackoverflows 简单就拒绝收看了缺少某些参数),其中一个单元,它使但是游戏 是组件服务"一般窗口", 他们的失败已打上补丁公告微软ms07-027,在去年联赛中,我们是否要评论 (d4fe6227-...
2007-05-13 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
问:1. Courtesy to the language will no more permit the house to be ca...
答:21.这是一款最新型的手机,不仅能用来打电话,而且还能上网和发邮件。This is one of the latest mobile phones, with which you can not only make phoe calls, but surf the internet and send e-mails as well.22.你能帮我看看这台数码相机出了什么毛病了?Could you please help me check ...
2009-04-07 回答者: jikuangJoe 5个回答
问:论《红楼梦》人物性格表现多面性的描写 摘要:《红楼梦》塑造出一大批具...
答:On the "Dream of Red Mansions" Characters in the description of the performance of multi-faceted Abstract: "Dream of Red Mansions" create a large number of highly personalized artistic model. It has changed the Chinese classical novel characterization homogeneity, type and absolute ...
2010-06-09 回答者: 悠悠蝶情 5个回答

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