问:A:你好 B:你好 A:你最近看新闻了吗? B:恩 A:那说说你看到的内容?...
答:A:hello B:hello A:Have you watched the recent news?B:yes.A:What are they about?B:At 14:28:04.0 May 14th 2008,in Yingxiu Town Wenchuan County Sichuan Province in China,Latitude: 31.0 ° N longitude: 103.4 ° E. Depth of 33 km,an earthquake have taken place at ...
2008-05-22 回答者: 鬼峪小妖 3个回答
谁能帮我吧下面的用英语翻译出来 !!万分感谢 要自己翻译的
问:好处: 1、留学可以领略国外的优美风光并开阔眼界,而且在国外生活工作几...
答:Benefits:1, studying abroad can enjoy beautiful scenery and broaden one's horizon, and after years of living and working abroad, you may have a kind of advanced ideas in Western countries, this will no doubt impact on your work and have a great life 2, after arriving to get ...
2012-03-18 回答者: 张辰雨47 3个回答
问:不要用翻译软件之类的,谢谢了。翻译的好追加分数! I am glad to write...
答:对不起,我拖延了回答…我感谢上帝。愿上帝保佑你,我很高兴遇见你 这个营地里我们只允许在星期一和星期五离开。这个星期就像一个住在监狱里,我希望通过上帝的恩典,我和你的帮助将来到这里,我没有什么亲戚 现在我所能去给我所有的亲戚跑在中间的战争。唯一的人,我们现在已经是可敬的远詹姆斯·柯林斯是谁...
2010-02-05 回答者: 2010ANTHONY 4个回答 4
答:你好!你的问题是——请帮助我翻译英语可以表达为下面这样——Please give me a hand.Please lend me a hand.Would you please help me?Could you please give me some help?Could you please give me a hand?
2021-07-27 回答者: 心仪物语 11个回答 1
问: 读 《爱因斯坦》 有感 爱因斯坦是德国犹太人,生于1879年3月14日,他是...
答:for the society, for mankind. Yeah! Dead for the scientific community to make a huge contribution to Einstein though, however, his great performance and the spirit of continuous exploration of knowledge as the flowers open in the hearts of the people.望采纳!参考资料:百度翻译 ...
2012-06-27 回答者: yss___2001 4个回答
问:印象中过得最深的圣诞是怎么?(时间?地点?与谁? 2、今年计划怎么过?(...
答:Christmas in the deepest impression on how the flies? (Time? Place? And Who?2, planned for this year how it? (Time? Place? Who?)Time: Christmas Eve Location: not to good, Shenzhen, there are many Western restaurants will be held in the day a lot of thematic activities, ...
2009-12-20 回答者: 飞向那片树林 5个回答 15
答:"dingdingding ……""hello, shenxin .I am a xiaohong .""To, do you make a phone call, have what matter?""Boon.Is you that form top does own ID card number have to fill?Have no mine on the citizenship papers of my house.""Boon, I also yes.My house I a person have...
2007-12-22 回答者: candy·小呆 3个回答 2
答:But if they are able to use e-procurement technology, a good supply chain, will be able to various information technology and electronic technology to good use, will improve the efficiency of enterprises has played a significant role. The formation of such effects than the traditional...
2007-11-06 回答者: 7058209 2个回答
问:能帮我用英语翻译一下这些形状吗?谢谢 棕形 五角星 正方倒角 蛋形 马眼 ...
答:棕形 Palm tree form 五角星 Five-pointed star 正方倒角 District limits 蛋形 Egg form 马眼 Ma eyes 正方倒角 District limits 梨形元宝 Shaped gold ingot 正方圆角花底 District rounded flower 马眼 Ma eyes 心形 Heart-shaped 正方直角 District rectangular 蛋形 Egg form 长方直角 ...
2006-07-06 回答者: _维E_ 11个回答 13
谁能帮翻译一下这几段英文啊 英语太差了 翻了好久翻不通顺
2011-02-14 回答者: 可爱甜鑫 3个回答

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