答:Execuse me, I love you", a words write on the tombstone of 武赫 , the 武赫 died, the boon is colourful end also use the small and weak life of oneself to keep company with this man who loves her with the life.The love of the 武赫 , simple but deep, sad but beautiful...
2006-08-04 回答者: 鸟到底 6个回答 2
问:尊敬的贵公司领导: 您好! 首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐材料...
答:Distinguished leadership of your company:Hello!First of all, thank you in his busy schedule to read my material itself!Although I am very ordinary, but I am not resigned to mediocrity. I am a prudent and honest, generous optimistic, positive and wide-loving. University for three ...
2008-12-31 回答者: 470840749 1个回答 1
答:style of this time activity, will used for the poor student help to learn the activity.( diagram inside, the classmate donates money to charity in droves, although the money is not much, but represented a love heart of classmates.)保证是对的哦,我可是在金山翻译了翻译的 ...
2006-10-15 回答者: Ice萦♀ 7个回答
问:1.Topic:火电厂thermal power plant 2.Purpose: 火电厂是电能生产的重要...
答:Thermal power plants are an important part of the production of electrical energy. Throughout the world, installed capacity of 70% per cent of the total installed capacity of the power plant, electricity 80% per cent of total electricity production. Thus, both for the development of...
2012-04-10 回答者: 十斯十 3个回答
问:意思稍微差点没事,主要的对了就行(当然差距越小越好) 之后追加分 有关奥...
答:their working,even civil grandfather&mothers are all learn to say:hello.They are making great efforts and we do as well.Beijing's smile will impress foreign friends deep memories.随便翻译了一下,偶英语基础一般,也就六级水品,现在在考口译,正好训练下不用词霸的情况下的翻译水品 ...
2007-11-12 回答者: 木木527 3个回答
答:to woke with any type of people.6. 在她手里,一片普通的纸可以被检出各种花样。In her hand, a piece of common paper could be cut into various kinds of flowers.7.这种甜言蜜语可能让你很受用,但不适用于我。Such sweet words might please you, but they do not work for me....
2018-02-22 回答者: tonhr 3个回答 21
答:Under the new curriculum standard of English raises elementary school students comprehensive language ability, to the general goal of this request, instructing teachers in teaching continuously explore stimulates the student to study the interest, the methods and approaches to the greatest ...
2009-05-01 回答者: 一定考上高中 5个回答 25
答:这句话,你理解时可以把 “in those days” 先撇去,因为它是插入,不影响语法。这里, pursued 的宾语是 what, 而what代替的是“an enlightened policy”,直译是说,虽然当时我姑妈所追求的是 在那个时代算是开明的政策,结合上下文,意译为书上的翻译。因为,直译会让人看不懂;恩,若是不明白...
2011-06-08 回答者: shmily_bleu 2个回答 1
答:The computer aided teaching (cai) the system in teaching utilization,symbolizes the teaching media quantitive leap. The computerapplication, causes the teaching method to be richer, to teachingeffect enhancement promoter action. Because the computer is humanbrain extending, is the human ...
2007-05-14 回答者: pc31415926 3个回答
问:For pillars which are free on their tops, casting is executed direc...
答:supported by a sturdy frame capable of withstanding the banging of the bucket.一种很具代表性,安全系数高,且实效的方法就是,在建筑工地上搭起特殊而耐用的脚手架.这些无论是用手工或者是吊车都很容易实现。他们的平台上有正规的扶栏和护具(保护脚趾),平台有坚实的结构支撑,能够负荷铲斗的冲击....
2007-04-16 回答者: peculiar588 4个回答 3

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