答:want to go out
2014-12-30 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
答:here are the famers who/that discovered tha underground city last month.hangzhou where many people come to buy tea is a famous city in china.i don't know the reason why she got so angry.tha old man that/whom you are talking to saw some...the woman remembered the day when...
2010-11-27 回答者: zhudaisylucky 2个回答 6
高中英语必修三课本第十一页的课后练习题1.2.4答案。 写写,如果...
答:unit2(人教版)1.Unit2课内练习答案.(P11 Ex.1.)1 True 3 True 2 False. It would take longer than that.4 False. No. It gave them protective food but no energy- giving or body-building food.5 False. His menu gave customers energy-giving food.6 False. He decided to ...
2013-03-04 回答者: 弦动心曲 1个回答 33
...A组的几个题目答案,若可以,给些过程,谢谢! 第4题 第5题 第8_百度...
答:第四题,(那个符号不会打就用a代替了)cosa=1/4,(sina)^2+(cosa)^2=1 sina/cosa=tana利用这两个公式就可以求解了 cosa=1/4,sina=±(√15)/4,tana=±√15(√这个符号是根号)第五题,sinx=2cosx 所以sinx/cosx=2=tanx 又因为(sinx)^2+(cosx)^2=1 所以 (2cosx)^...
2010-09-21 回答者: lxy04424 2个回答 122
2014-01-22 回答者: cn#BLakVLffpp 4个回答 4
2017-11-25 回答者: mikechang77 2个回答 52
高中英语必修四第二单元课文及翻译 谁有?、拜托各位了 3Q
答:课文: A pioneer for all people Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese...
2017-11-27 回答者: 冷安°Hwbr 1个回答 157
问:只用reading的,不要说买书,那是废话!提示unit1 cultural unit2 the O...
答:再见。 回答人的补充 2010-01-19 19:30 高中英语必修2第三单元课文翻译我是谁?随着时间的流逝,我在不断的发生变化。1642年,在法国我初次以计算机的身份登场。尽管我那时很年轻,我已能够简化一些复杂的计算题。我进化得比较缓慢,直到两百年后,我才被查尔斯�6�1巴贝奇改造成分析仪。一个程序员用打孔卡片给...
2017-11-26 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 33
答:so we have to make good use of time.7. He went straight to New York, without stopping in Hong Kong.8. Rains are frequent in this city in early summer.F.context('edit-answer',{ con: '二1. elevator2. modern3. lorry4. impolite5. July6. unless7. afraid8. capital 三1....
2013-12-20 回答者: free紫紫的心 2个回答 2
人教版高一英语必修一,课本第4页练习第二题的翻译。 中间第二题的翻译...
2014-12-20 回答者: 906808316 1个回答 12

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