问:那位大哥英语好 翻译一下这网页里的评论 谢谢啊 很想知道老外再说什么 h...
答:我曾经拜师四大黑带八段名家之一的门下。Gary Mullins师傅又曾师从先师Sin Kwang-世界上四大获得功夫黑带八段名家之一,我现在在跟师的就是他门下的弟子,一个功夫名家。Garry Mullins自1973年就开始就拜师 Grandmaster(师祖) Sin Kwang门下学艺。补充...
2009-01-12 回答者: RoyLee贇 4个回答 1
问:The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday...
答:校乐队也来了--他们穿着黄黑相间的制服。他们在7点45分左右开始演奏。在场的所有人都起立,跟着唱了起来。比赛就要开始了!两队的队员都跑着出现在场地上。 裁判终于吹响了哨声。比赛开始了!一场篮球比赛是被分为两个半场的,而两个半场又分别被分为两个小节。在半场的间隔有一段休息时间。在下...
2006-11-20 回答者: camillavio 3个回答
哪位大侠帮我翻译一下!!?? 仅限英文
答:2.我们不销售价廉质次的货物。《We do not sell cheap quality goods 》3.我们已按很低的价格向你们报盘。《We have very low price to offer to you.》4.你们会发现我们这批货物的价格很便。《You'll find our this batch of goods prices are very cheap 5.请按照最低价报这批地温表 ...
2013-04-09 回答者: 酱油领队 5个回答
问:1、At this point in their development toddlers begin to diverge fro...
答:are illegal because they contravene labor laws.依照欧盟委员会,没有此等的转让是因为违反劳动法而变得违法的。因为并不清楚语境,所以transfers无法给出确切的解释。这句话后半部分(即no such以后)是要一起读的。好不容易翻译完了。。。百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 希望能帮到您!
2012-11-07 回答者: 穹苍_古月师爷 5个回答 4
问:认识莎莎的第三天也是第三次见面,在公园的湖边无意中完成了一个杰作 之...
答:nice!I talked to Shasa that this photo was better than anything chummy or erotic because it could provid people imagination and reverie.--- 这是我自己翻译的,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助.
2009-01-21 回答者: FEIGE_MINGE 5个回答 4
答:Work experience:Jsp language independent 2009.3 with the completion of a tourist-based information site 2008.7 using java language independent game to complete mine clearance 2007.7 using java language and students of Chinese medicine in collaboration management system design and production ...
2009-01-31 回答者: 汤圆知道 2个回答 1
答:1.I have a small difficulty, can help me?2.My boss wanted me to have to sell some things today, hope you can help.3.All of them are the pottery arts article, is a modern pottery art.4.These is the necklaces, those is the hands chains.5.Do you there are also two ...
2007-01-12 回答者: 214100310 1个回答
问:1、 中国有五千年的历史。 2、 我们的教室有十公尺长,五公尺宽。 3、 ...
答:17 I really do not know how to use English to make my views heard.18 Due to the different political views, he's in the United States government, under pressure to leave the country 19 He would tell her where to find the keys 20 He is the most painful things because he ...
2007-06-30 回答者: 書之仙 2个回答
问:States are also active in regulating privacy. California has had a ...
答:违反多年通知法律,这就要求,[]国家机构或个人或企业进行业务 加利福尼亚州,拥有或授权,包括电脑数据 个人信息,定义,在指定的方式披露,任何 违反安全性的数据,定义,任何居民 加州的未加密的个人信息,或者是 有理由相信,未经授权收购已 person.20 内华达州最近颁布的全国第一个数据加密法,要求...
2012-05-07 回答者: feileiloveyou 6个回答 1
问:1,All work, no pay, makes nurses go away. 2, 37 killed in Italian ...
答:1,All work, no pay, makes nurses go away.重活无筹,护士开走 2, 37 killed in Italian plane crash.意一飞机坠毁,37人遇难 3, Chinese cooks masters at turning turnip into flower.中国厨师顶呱呱,掌中萝卜雕成花 4, Japanese dash to US to say "I do"日本情侣求浪漫,喜事涌到美国...
2007-10-26 回答者: wangeckham 6个回答 3

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