问:a ploblem han been detected and windows han been shut down to preve...
答:我只说大概意思 一个错误发生了 为了保护你的电脑 关闭了窗口 如果这个错误第一次发生 可以尝试重启 如果再次见到该提示 你可以检查是不是正确安装了新的硬件或者软件 如果这是个新的安装 请向制造商所要windows的升级程序 如果问题仍然继续,使用硬件或者新安装的软硬件使BIOS的选项例如超高速缓存或者...
2007-08-29 回答者: Demony 4个回答
答:National Crisis vs Heroic NationLi Dazhao ---Translated by Zhang Peiji The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them.A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section...
2009-03-26 回答者: 莞尔鱼 1个回答 10
问:请帮我把这段话翻译成英文,急要啊~~ 今天是我的生日,妈妈给我买了一个...
答:since then has never seen face. I am glad that she still remember my birthday, so happily embraced her.其实你可以直接上网打开Google搜索然后点击“翻译”,把所要翻译的中文输入指定空栏,然后选择中译英翻译答案就出来了。那答案基本上都比较好,只是有时要自己稍微改一下会更加好而已。
2009-09-21 回答者: 知道网友 6个回答
请各位大大帮忙翻译下面这段英文 要用在线翻译 急
问:Copyright Protection Copyright protection is above all one of the m...
答:法律的收养是第一步。法律的实用价值取决于它有效和高效率的应用。这可能达到通过适当的作者组织作者的费的安装为汇集和发行。Copyright, 如果有效地实施, 作为刺激对作者和他们的代理人(出版者) 创造和传播知识。它是某事社会必须必要接受如果它希望鼓励智力创造性,保证科学, 艺术的进展和知识总之, 促进...
2008-03-31 回答者: LK1225 2个回答
答:The Board is abroad in the past few years from the introduction of an advanced by the Board of Directors established special institutions, mainly responsible for the company's internal and external audit of the communication, monitoring and verification work. Board system originated in ...
2008-04-09 回答者: ycyzyds12345 3个回答
问:唐僧四人坐飞机去旅游,途中飞机失事,可是降落伞只有三把. 于是,唐僧...
答:Four monk to travel by plane, a plane crash on his way, but only three parachutes.Thus, Tang Seng said, we come to answer, not answer to the jump.Monkey: Monkey King, How many sun in the sky?Monkey King: One.Monkey: Well, give you one.Monkey: Drifting, How many moon ...
2010-11-27 回答者: wei_yiyi 3个回答
答:Economic theory tells us joy, when the parties to the transaction when the existence of asymmetric information, grasp the other information in the multi-party negotiations and transactions in a good position. Interactive marketing is the role of marketing and one-way transmission of ...
2008-05-08 回答者: 初开的花蕊 2个回答
求一段中文的英文翻译【这作文我实在是写不下去了求大神拯救。_百度知 ...
答:I and the old peoples say that we are in the school interesting, old people also recalls the story when they were young, we help to clean up the health, also wash some clothes, we spent a very warm and happy afternoon. It is this experience let me feel the importance of ...
2013-03-10 回答者: 可乐可乐嘞 3个回答
问:推销自己 我叫XXX.,是一个女孩,今年25岁,生于1981年。我现在一家保险...
答:my job is the most advantageous weapon for me to strive for success.I am willing to face all the challenges in life or career with my willpower to endeavor and strive! My feathers matured, given a stage to fly, I can soar in the sky.鄙人不才,倘有不妥之处,望见谅~...
2006-04-23 回答者: caichong416 2个回答
答:The Marxism is the complete scientific system, it contains three main constituents: Marxist philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism.These three constituent is not each other separate, they constitute the organic whole which relates mutually.The Marxism is the proletariat knows ...
2008-12-16 回答者: 窝头和嘉乐 1个回答 1

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