问:我想自学英语..就等我只会26个字母.. 我该从何开始学起..! 英文是不是只...
答:5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, medicine 吃药;服药, take a walk 散步,take, exercise 运动, take turns 轮流;替换, take care of 照料;照顾, take, out of 带走;拿出, taking off 脱掉, take a message for 给……捎个信 6)含come的短语有:came into 进来, come down ...
2007-09-25 回答者: zky0249 2个回答
答:5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, medicine 吃药;服药, take a walk 散步,take, exercise 运动, take turns 轮流;替换, take care of 照料;照顾, take, out of 带走;拿出, taking off 脱掉, take a message for 给……捎个信 6)含come的短语有:came into 进来, come down ...
2009-11-14 回答者: 谷鑫007 5个回答 14
答:5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, medicine 吃药;服药, take a walk 散步,take, exercise 运动, take turns 轮流;替换, take care of 照料;照顾, take, out of 带走;拿出, taking off 脱掉, take a message for 给……捎个信 6)含come的短语有:came into 进来, come down ...
2007-11-18 回答者: Dennyze 44个回答
答:5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, medicine 吃药;服药, take a walk 散步,take, exercise 运动, take turns 轮流;替换, take care of 照料;照 顾, take, out of 带走;拿出, taking off 脱掉, take a message for 给……捎个信 6)含come的短语有:came into 进来, come down ...
2008-08-04 回答者: 緈諨メ約錠 3个回答 7
巴不得妈妈 第四集的36分30秒里面的英文插曲叫什么名字?
答:can't take my eyes off you 歌词是You're just too good to be true.你好得让人难以置信 Can't take my eyes off you.不能不看你(意思是总想看着你)You'd be like heaven to touch.你就像天堂一样难以触及 I wanna hold you so much.我多想抱着你.At long last love has arrived....
2013-11-16 回答者: labixiaoxingW 3个回答
答:5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, medicine 吃药;服药, take a walk 散步,take, exercise 运动, take turns 轮流;替换, take care of 照料;照顾, take, out of 带走;拿出, taking off 脱掉, take a message for 给……捎个信 6)含come的短语有:came into 进来, come down ...
2009-05-19 回答者: 至酷痴客 7个回答
答:一、循环记忆,看着新的、回顾旧的,循环推进;二、记忆单词中可以结合听磁带,听读结合,这 样印象很深,也不枯燥;三、多记忆相关的例句,理解用法;四、多个意思比较记忆,避免只记其一,不 管其余;五、增加阅读,让记过的词汇在阅读中消化。你在记单词的同时,可以把一些好的例句记下来,另外要...
2015-11-23 回答者: fringslinke 2个回答
1.例如man teacher如果是复数是什么?有没有men teacher的情况?_百 ...
问:1.例如man teacher如果是复数是什么?有没有men teacher的情况? 2.以元音...
答:14.take down 记下;拿下;拆卸 take out 拿出,取出,拔出 15.give back送还,归还 give out分发; 散发 give in有让步, 屈服, 投降的意思 16.make out书写 make over更改 make up和解 17.wear down磨损,wear out用坏,wear off消失,wear away磨损 18.fall off填满 fall down跌落 19...
2010-03-14 回答者: 丨0晓o晓0丨 1个回答 16
答:5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, medicine 吃药;服药, take a walk 散步,take, exercise 运动, take turns 轮流;替换, take care of 照料;照顾, take, out of 带走;拿出, taking off 脱掉, take a message for 给……捎个信 6)含come的短语有:came into 进来, come down ...
2009-06-09 回答者: ④仴の萩颩 4个回答
答:5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, medicine 吃药;服药, take a walk 散步,take, exercise 运动, take turns 轮流;替换, take care of 照料;照顾, take, out of 带走;拿出, taking off 脱掉, take a message for 给……捎个信 6)含come的短语有:came into 进来, come down ...
2009-05-19 回答者: 至酷痴客 4个回答

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