问:Zhang Ying Hi, you have beautiful pictures, I hope I did not discou...
答:① xD是网聊符号,表示笑脸。② 不知道这是个什么人? 也不知道是否如猜测的这般, 是他主动连续你索要照片的? 请你注意了, 我怎么感觉这厮不像什么善良之辈? 他的英语也不够纯正。a) hope后面要表达的, 起码也该虚拟一下, 用hadn't b) 就是口语化,hope后面可以过去式表后悔当初没有...
2012-10-13 回答者: splashchaos 9个回答
答:完美翻译:When reading, the student is able to analyse a sentence, but the sentence or paragraph should be all nice white out rhetoric and style of writing has very big difficulty but. And because of English has large amount of rhetoric means li, these rhetoric means effect ...
2008-07-19 回答者: 一定要拒绝 2个回答
答:Here a comparison is meaningful but heartbroken, but can also share with you.before it, I give you to see a video, you may have sew, may not , it is a very touching video.This winter, I have been tell a girl my love, but was brutally rejected. But the girl is ...
2010-04-09 回答者: 心有霖惜 2个回答 2
答:the fear for the enemy will in turn frustrate one's own courage, conseauently increase the morale of the enemy and incapacitate oneself. fear can not help one escape from death which is the worst result of putting up a fight. dying a martyr is to use death to destroy death ...
2010-06-24 回答者: statil 2个回答
问:一:I’d say the power of the golems is golems going to be necessary ...
答:我想说假人的力量是假人从此之后也将很有必要 2. We’re planning to construct a golem modeled on Dauturu, the Porto-golem who was known as Ebony Crusader.我们计划仿照被称为黑十字军的港口假人Dauturu(道图鲁)建一个假人。3. When we do that, We’d like you to assist us, Deno...
2013-12-26 回答者: Godfrey777 3个回答
问:I have a company interested on tires shields (see attached picture)...
答:60/80R57 LeTorneau L1850 前端装载机的保护。他们使用的 Fels Granit 加 X 22 网 4 X 4 60/80 — — 57 L 5 轮胎 网目开口 96 毫米 修复 22 毫米 高 76 毫米 ——此为机器翻译,不能视为正确答案,仅供参考,如有疑问,去英语贴吧求助或者找寻专业人士 ...
2014-08-28 回答者: 一句爱的承诺 5个回答
答:During the class, we learned that due to global warming, polar bear has been an unprecedented test of survival, then in addition to polar bears, we are still suffering from the earth What test?1, the temperature rise. The 10 hottest years ever, there are nine in 1995, and ...
2011-07-04 回答者: sunshine9268 4个回答
答:In the winter vacation, my parents and I went to Harbin, known as the ice city. A world of ice and snow in Harbin there is a vast expanse of whiteness, large snowflakes falling down from the sky.Night, Harbin city gradually brightening light.We sat in the car, and soon ...
2012-12-06 回答者: wsq821821 3个回答
问:详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给 I love you more than you can imagine...
答:做这做那.但不管怎样,你的父母是世上最爱你的人。我们必须尊重和爱护他们.不要使他们对你感到悲哀和失望.现在是时候让我们来报答他们的伟大的爱了。最后,我想对我的父母说些话,虽然他们听不到我说的.我想说:我爱你超 过你们能想象的.我是一块闪亮的金子,这将会被证实。第一次翻译 不知道...
2009-06-28 回答者: 夏南烟 9个回答 1
答:谁能用地道的英语口语帮我翻译一下  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 晚舟必归是李白的诗吗?匿名用户 2017-04-01 展开全部 英语学习的六大原则 我在英语学习方面是十分幸运的。在下过硬工夫的过程中,我从未感到英语学习的单调和苦闷,也未感到英语学习有多么艰难。我读过一些英语名家谈体会的书,其中有中文译本...
2017-04-01 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 2

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