答:asks: "why do you laugh at me? what is funny?" i think the reason why he can keep a healthy and happy mind is becasue he thanks life very much.这的确是篇好文章,值得学习!谢谢你让我理解到了生命的真谛。本人不才,只有这种水平了,全部亲手打出。 希望对你有帮助
2011-08-31 回答者: 夹克森 5个回答
问:告诉自己不可以 到底还能坚持多久 所谓悳三年莪看透叻 没什麽 狠快悳 莪...
答:Tell yourself you cannot how long to persevere on earth see through so-called three years nothing indeed 狠快悳(什么字啊?)I fall in love this time My heart has gone I know Everything is fantastic Men are not keeping their word Farewell Nothing indeed Three years Ah I feel ...
2008-07-31 回答者: mehere 3个回答 1
问:I'm really surprised to learn that you're a girl who are aged not m...
2009-08-26 回答者: 八条爪子的鱼 14个回答
问:1. Purpose: This document outlines the basic steps to be followed f...
答:我去百度翻译的:1。目的:本文件概述了应遵循麦当劳玩具工厂的生产能力验证的基本步骤。2。应用:能力验证是只适用于高级副总裁/ RTQ批准的工厂。验证将每年进行一次,覆盖关键制造工艺包括成型,装饰和安装/装出来的。3。规范和comments3.1文件/资料配制厂准备下面的所有制程设计/记录/信息文件:过程控制...
2013-09-22 回答者: zengyy7 4个回答
问:帮下忙谢谢了 如果知道出自哪里那就更好了 FOR YOu——My heart fall to p...
答:对你-我的心属于碎片 我不相信你 当你说没有什么在这里没有更多 我会提醒你 你说我们不会分开 没有我不相信你 当你说你不需要我了 所以不要假装不爱我所有 我不相信,这该死的东西!我并不想请你留下来,即使我会感到遗憾...
2009-05-28 回答者: 米苗星琪 5个回答
答:Well, I still love him no matter between me and any boy, always liked him and others for comparison, it is better to him, he did not feel good, I do not want, than his best, I will be abused to seek out other people's bad, Do not ...I know his heart is no ...
2008-10-18 回答者: whl00852 1个回答
问:Jolin Tsai(蔡依林),a famous singer,has become an English teacher!...
2009-10-11 回答者: 784328024 1个回答 16
问:英国前首相劳合•乔治有一个习惯——随手关上身后的门。 有一天,乔...
答:Former British Prime Minister Lloyd George • have a habit - picked behind closed doors.One day, George and friends to take a walk in the yard, after they each door, George always readily shut the door. "You need to close the door on them?" Is a friend is wondering....
2008-10-14 回答者: 天涯v剑客 6个回答
英语高手速度来帮我翻译下 谢谢
问:Previously, as we like as children Love Gou Gou fingers, and then s...
答:I live is the greatest comfort. . Now, if we separate 我的生活非常舒适……现在,如果我们分开 If not together, Mi must happiness, well-being 如果不在一起,Mi一定幸福、安宁 Promise me. . . Thy will be done, right. ?给我一个承诺……你会这么做,好吗?这篇文章写的很别扭 ...
2007-09-03 回答者: 于雨的老婆 3个回答 1
问:Please let me know if you are able to source these and what the cos...
答:请让我知道,如果你是否能用这些材料并且每片玻璃的成本会是多少。Eclipse玻璃器皿投影系统提供了一个独特的机会来点亮您的客户端的形象。仅用来图像工程或玻璃器皿的图像工程的广泛使用而选择装饰基地。所有的设备有8种色彩模式,将能工作几乎任何图像。此外,可以加强展示效果用补充的图形。 Eclipse家庭将不...
2012-06-06 回答者: 岩enjoyhappy 4个回答

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