答:poem for me, it can arouse my sweet memories.It’s a pity that this season is not Summer, but I still have sweet memories given by Summer to memorize, just like I live in Summer.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)...
2013-05-13 回答者: 多元广宇 2个回答 27
答:《昨日重现》原唱:卡朋特乐队填词:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯谱曲:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯歌词:When I was young当我小时候I'd listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I'd sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱...
2022-03-02 回答者: 爱会长久yiyi 7个回答
作文my plan for the next two months
答:On the way home, I can squizze some time to rememorize some materials I was looking at in the morning. I hope that will consolidate thoses memories.In the night, from 7 o'clock, I'll do the homeworks and some extra excercis books I bought from bookstore with my parrent...
2012-01-24 回答者: 崔宇泽 1个回答 1
答:你们将是我最美好的回忆。You will be the most beautiful memory.
2014-01-13 回答者: 虞其君 8个回答
问:火影的歌有什么好听的吗?推荐几首 海贼王有什么歌好听的吗? 我记得有...
答:N多的 火影的「流星」「GO!!!」「青春狂骚曲」火影疾风传的「谎言」「青鸟」火影有点不太熟,ONE PIECE是大爱~~~海贼的第一季主题曲(开始不好听,听着听着就好听),「MEMORIES」「shinning rain」「永久指针」「crazy rainbow」「明日は来るから」「未来航海」(完整版有点难找)「boystyle-...
2008-10-25 回答者: 172cmqueen 9个回答
谁知道三首简单的英文歌啊拜托了各位 谢谢
答:my life Welcome to My Life 进入我的世界 Do you ever feel like 1)breaking down? 你觉得自己要崩溃了吗? Do you ever feel 2)out of place? 你觉得自己很迷茫吗? Like somehow you just don't belong 不知为何你总是格格不入, And no one understands you 没有人懂你。
2014-07-29 回答者: 本泽马V5f7611 1个回答 1
yesterday once more昨日重现英文版歌词是什么?
答:every wo'wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些...
2022-12-20 回答者: soyond778899 1个回答 1

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