答:要求写一篇有关中国历史文化的英语文章,最好是自己写的,不要网站摘抄的,字数200字左右。主要就是从文章里体现出学习中国传统文化有助于构建真正和谐的社会。文章中要体现的问题:1... 要求写一篇有关中国历史文化的英语文章,最好是自己写的,不要网站摘抄的,字数200字左右。主要就是从文章里体现出学习中国传统文化...
2014-04-18 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:The celebration actually starts on New Year's Eve with the family reunion dinner. By New Year's Eve, you should have done the following:Clean the entire home to get rid of all the things that are associated with the old year.Put away all brooms and brushes.Pay all your ...
2006-10-02 回答者: amodashikagome 2个回答 29
答:1. Online there are numerous excellent examples of English essays on Chinese traditional culture, but only when you write it yourself do you truly master English composition.2. Click to receive a free trial of one-on-one English teaching with a European and American teacher: [Free ...
2024-05-01 回答者: 唔哩生活 1个回答
答:Chinese tea drinking tea has four thousand years of history,More kinds of tea in China, including longjing tea is famous in the world The people are generally made of porcelain teapot, teacup to drink tea Seem to have tea has is China's a habit, and tea is commonplace, people...
2015-05-22 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 3
答:To start with cultural differences, should mention first from the diet culture, because "hunger breeds discontentment",it can reflect the difference of different ethnic groups living habits of thinking and cultural aspects. There are threeFood world: China, France and Italy, I want to ...
2014-07-23 回答者: 航航的问题 1个回答 6
问:要求的问题: 一、中国传统文化的主要内涵是什么? 二、应该如何学习中...
2021-07-16 回答者: 阿卡索外教网 5个回答
答:保护中国传统文化 这一段主要告诉我们保护中国传统文化的重要性,这是因为发展社会和改变生活方式的挑战或面临灭绝的问题。除此之外,中国也在全国范围内不遗余力地去做。(36字)保护民族民间文化对我国文化多样性的保护和地方经济社会发展的协调发展具有重要意义。据悉,广东政府特别重视保护潮剧(潮剧),...
2023-04-15 回答者: 无级aBC 2个回答
英语短文 关于中国和美国文化差异的 简单点的 大概可以说2分钟的 急...
答:American's do not put much value on education and the students just want to get by and get out of school. American students are disrespectful to their teachers and elders and think they know it all. American's in general are self-centered and are interested in only ...
2010-10-12 回答者: 花都养正学苑 1个回答 9
答:There is a long history of Chinese traditional festival, which is a important component of our great chinese culture, it embodies the relationship of human and the great nature, and also is a reflection of the connection between people. Just because of the festival, the boring life...
2015-03-10 回答者: Thinkingman198 3个回答 3
答:Chinese tea drinking tea has four thousand years of history,More kinds of tea in China, including longjing tea is famous in the world The people are generally made of porcelain teapot, teacup to drink tea Seem to have tea has is China's a habit, and tea is commonplace, people...
2014-12-27 回答者: 水晶之恋863 1个回答 27

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