答:现在情况可不同了乙辍学儿童都回校继续学习。一座双层的教学楼矗立在校园内,有音乐室、美术室,还有教学用的电脑室。学校的体育器材配备精良。希望工程给李家庄小学带来了极大的好处,学校也因此改名为“希望小学”。2. 一篇英语作文MY PAST LIFE 用be used to 写,谢谢 120词左右 你好: 很乐意帮助...
2022-10-27 回答者: 血殿tG 1个回答
答:medley relay 混合泳接力 marathon 马拉松 men's singles 男子单打 men's doubles 男子双打 mixed doubles 混合双打 Mountain bike 山地自行车赛 Modern Pentathlon 现代五项 Men's 10 m running target 男子10米移动靶 Men's 50 m pistol 男子50米手枪 Men's 50 m rifle prone position ...
2011-01-15 回答者: zjdaigyf 1个回答 13
答:My Family My name is Li Hua. I am from a worker's family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①. My grandfather and grandmother are ...
2016-04-08 回答者: 武夷山大道 2个回答
答:Health is every body greatest asset. Therefore we must maintain our health for the whole life. We need to exercise regularly to keep our muscles in toned and have a healthy body. To me regular exercise means at least exercise three times a week for at least half an hour. The...
2015-04-29 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 6
答:I have enough time to do things like volunteering. I help those people who are in need. It’s a good experience for me. I enjoy myself in my spare time.我的业余生活 我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩 放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。
2019-11-13 回答者: wdt555555 2个回答 78
关于运动的好处的初三英语作文 急用 80词左右
答:你们之间的关系会更加紧密。毕竟,运动可以使你的生活更加丰富多彩。Nothing is more important than doing sports. It's time to take actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.没有什么比运动更重要。是时候采取行动远离电视,电脑和参加体育活动了 ...
2017-11-27 回答者: kathy1985911 1个回答 106
答:I have many hobbies.I was good at writing in the past,but now I like swimming best.When I was 5,I was taken to the swimming pool by my father.He told me how to swim and not to be afraid of it.From then on,I am very interested in swimming.Now I often go to ...
2013-10-24 回答者: wyanming66 2个回答 15
初二英语作文sports and health,80词
问:根据以下要点提示,写一篇80词左右短文 要点提示:你原来身体不好,经常感...
答:运动和健康 健康的身体对于健康的头脑是必要的。众所周知,要有健全的头脑,就应有健全的身体。这是至关重要的。我们只有保持身体健康,才能在学习和工作中精力充沛,生活愉快。为了保持健康,体育锻炼是最好的方法。参加户外运动,我们能更接近大自然并能吸收新鲜空气。自然界的美使我们头脑清醒,这对健康...
2008-11-08 回答者: 7233131 3个回答 19
初二英语作文sports and health,80词
问:根据以下要点提示,写一篇80词左右短文 要点提示:你原来身体不好,经常感...
答:Each of us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here are some ways to stay healthy.First, we should spend one to two hours a day in regular exercise; try to walk instead of ride. Second, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits ...
2021-10-14 回答者: 我了个擦擦來 2个回答 12
问:学校:华英 运动会时间:这周星期二
2012-12-27 回答者: 54聪明的小淘气 2个回答 32

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