问:您好! 感谢您对我校的关注。针对您的问题,现答复如下: 1. 学校有宿舍...
答:Hello!Thanks for your attention to our school.Here is the reply to your question:1.The school has rest room,5 yuan a day.2.The class who learn coffee and west dessert will cost about 70 days,we can make sure you can learn it,if you have not understood that,you can learn...
2007-07-21 回答者: 499591555 2个回答 2
问:我国高温超导大电流引线研制技术获得重要进展 将用于人类首座热核聚变试...
答:The technology of the development of the fuse of the current that superconducting the high temperature of our country is large acquires important progress.It is examined that the research and the development of the fuse of the current that it uses for the nuclear fusion of ...
2008-12-22 回答者: 爱情笑饮 4个回答
问:How are you today? I have been good, It was nice and sunny out toda...
答:那天我回到家里雕空了一些南瓜,给了孩子们一些糖果,他们装扮成鬼魂、怪物、公主、兔子、臭鼬(注:没有scunk这个单词,怀疑是skunk),还有一些我也说不上名字。我有一些南瓜的照片,一会发到你的邮箱里,希望你会喜欢。我给你纠正一个错误希望你不要介意。当你说“store shop”(商店)的时候,你...
2008-11-05 回答者: 浅浅love风 3个回答 3
问:1、他开会故意迟到(by intention) 2、你能把这封信由德文翻译成英文吗?...
答:1、他开会故意迟到(by intention)He was late by intention for the meeting.2、你能把这封信由德文翻译成英文吗?(translate)Can you translate the letter from German to English?3、他把这次讲话从西班牙语翻译成英语。(translate)He translated the speech from Spanish to English.4、她试图...
2008-08-24 回答者: 雨860719 4个回答 1
问:哪位英语牛人帮下忙,小弟感激不敬~!! 自我介绍 早上好!我非常高兴能...
答:mind flexible and rapid response capacity to deal with emergency cases.其次,我非常的喜欢武术,武术散打是我的特长,武术能让我拥有一个健康的体魄,能让我永远保持对工作的热情,这更为我从事空中乘警工作增添了一臂之力! Secondly, I do love the martial arts, Wushu is my specialty, martial...
2010-05-15 回答者: jlong0611 4个回答 2
那我说中文你可以看懂么 求英文翻译
答:(2)Thanks understand 谢谢你的理解 ; 谢谢体谅 ; 感谢理解 (3)Understand what 明白了么 ; 懂么 ; 明白么 ; 了解什么 (4)comprehend understand 理解 (5)Begin Understand 开始理解 ; 开始了解 例句:(1)He did not understand the importance of this question.释义:他不理解这个问题的...
2018-05-22 回答者: 布朗赵小乖 8个回答 8
问:33 第一:它结合了文字、录音、录像、实景、卡通、广播、电视、光碟,是...
答:face of Americans, "telepresence", which is followed by American culture and way of life, detail the various forms of American life so that students on the United States through the culture and life experience, living the United States to learn English 差不多了,你看看可以不。
2009-06-09 回答者: 伏特加鱼子酱 4个回答 2
问:1、 中国有五千年的历史。 2、 我们的教室有十公尺长,五公尺宽。 3、 ...
答:1 China has a 5,000-year history 2 Our classroom is 10 meters long and five meters wide 3 We will try to meet your special needs 4 Please travel with things ready 5 Spring comes, the field is full of vigor 6 That task would take many years to complete 7 Our aim is to...
2007-06-30 回答者: 書之仙 2个回答
答:A: you know, coming to our university for A C?B: C is who? Don't know!A: you don't know him? He is our professional direct senior oh! Last year after graduation I have never seen him, he is said to have entered a television when the host!B: wow, it seems that ...
2013-12-01 回答者: cn#GupLVLkGa 3个回答
答:Mountain Resort and the temples around not only belong to China but also become the cultural legacy of all humans. The expert in UNESCO ever praises this splendid royal garden that it is a comprehensive expression of Eastern philosophy.自己翻译,可以再修改下。希望能帮到你。
2013-03-08 回答者: 官万路 5个回答

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