问:1.我们过去常常通过信件保持联系(used to) 2.她结婚了,怪不得她不做那...
答:new school 翻译:写一些我告诉你的经历/上个星期一我开始了我的职业教育/那是一个新的学校/我不认识那里的任何人/我看到孤独/管我们班的老师和我们愉快地交谈/我开始感到很舒服/那天结束的时候我交了一些朋友/我很高兴/请告诉我一些关于你新学校的事情 把哥们儿我累得不浅啊!o(∩_∩)o......
2008-09-20 回答者: 翔翔_西安 6个回答 4
问:1.喝点东西怎么样? 2.咱们把这些椅子搬进教室吧? 3.杰姆在星期天和他...
答:7 We have to help and learn each other.8 We have a class meeting every Friday.9 It's too hard for me to play chess.Could you help me?10 Sure, it's not today.How about tomorrow?11 May I borrow your dictionary please?12 OK, but you have to give me back next week....
2007-01-12 回答者: kfdear 2个回答
答:I don't know English 请你说中文好吗?我觉得 could you please speak Chinese?或 do you mind speaking Chinese?是比较好的翻译。用 could 和 do you mind (你介意吗?)表示 恳求, 是很礼貌的请求语气。I don't know English. Do you mind speaking Chinese?希望对你有帮助
2012-07-18 回答者: oneboxman 7个回答 7
答:哈,楼主先看看楼上这几位的翻译:1.Bazhou City Zhaoyi Mental Products ,<--- 精神病产品 哈哈,我想知道世界上有哪个国家生产这种产品的?___下面才是我给楼主的翻译:1.霸州市兆亿金属制品有限公司 Bazhou city Zhaoyi Metalwork Corporation.2.经理 Manager 3.销售总监 Sales Director 4.业务 ...
2007-07-29 回答者: Surfrider 11个回答 1
问:推荐信 他又较强的责任心,为人忠厚,有上进心, 我推荐她到你们的公司...
答:He has a strong sense of responsibility, honesty and achievements.我推荐他到你们的公司学习工作,我相信他一定能胜任,请贵公司给予帮忙安排 I thereby recommend him for the learning and work in your company. I'm sure he'll meet your requirements. Please give proper arrangement.推荐人...
2008-09-08 回答者: haotu111 10个回答
问:请大家帮我把下面这段中文翻译成英文,初中英语课外练习。谢谢!! 本月...
答:国王非常高兴,国王说:“你这年青人懂的还真不少,你说你想要什么,我都会成全你。”儿子说:“那请你无乱如何收回抛弃年迈老人的承命吧。”国王听从了儿子的话。 The king was pleased, the king said: "You know it's really a lot of young people, you say what you want, I will ...
2010-06-16 回答者: DNCF123 4个回答 1
答:小庄:工作现在比较难找,可我对她也放不下 Zhuang:it would be hard to find a job,but I cannot put her down.小朱:感情的事都是这样的。小芳人那么可爱,要是我我可能会和她商量能不能让她来福州,或者你去厦门。要珍惜彼此的感情哦,工作后就碰不到这么纯真的感情了 Zhu:the love think ...
2007-10-23 回答者: co_biscuits 3个回答
问:1.我能要点喝的吗? 2.也许我可以和你分享这块蛋糕. 3.我能在吃点什么吗...
答:17.我将投票给May,因为她总能为我保守秘密.I give my vote for May, because she can always keep my secrets.18.这是这个店里最昂贵的打印机.This is the most expensive printer in the shop.19.她是三好学生中最慷慨的.She is the most generous among the three good students.20.如果...
2009-10-01 回答者: 小旋xiaoxuan 14个回答 10
问:请帮忙把下面的英文翻译成中文,谢谢! This procedure establishes the a...
答:管理方面的文章吧--- (原文)This procedure establishes the approving flow in sub-contraction against different plants & Master Production & Planning Control so that the approval level and workflows of each involved department are clearly defined.procedure--程序,过程 approving--审批 flow--...
2007-10-15 回答者: dogsl 9个回答
问:下面是要翻译的内容: 大家好,很高兴有这歌机会上台演讲。今天我演讲的...
答:大家好,很高兴有这歌机会上台演讲。今天我演讲的内容和生命有关,题目是:giving life meaning,这个班可能有许多同学不认识我,首先请允许我先介绍下自己。我叫xxx来自安徽省宣城市。好,下面我们进入正题:个人建议你先介绍自己再开始演讲.Hi everyone! It't my honor to be here and give a speech...
2008-04-29 回答者: 304870399 13个回答 2

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