问: 读 《爱因斯坦》 有感 爱因斯坦是德国犹太人,生于1879年3月14日,他是...
答:for the society, for mankind. Yeah! Dead for the scientific community to make a huge contribution to Einstein though, however, his great performance and the spirit of continuous exploration of knowledge as the flowers open in the hearts of the people.望采纳!参考资料:百度翻译 ...
2012-06-27 回答者: yss___2001 4个回答
答:真是好浪漫啊~~我也预祝你能够成功,追寻你所要的~~我会尽我的能力帮你把它翻译的浪漫完美的~~I have already come back to China. I could't sleep but thinking how i met you in Korea these days. Jeju island is very beautiful, but you are gorgeous. When i looked at the ...
2007-10-16 回答者: 随我一起飘泊吧 4个回答
问:有人给我一句英语,谁能帮我翻译一下,并讲一下它的意思:I am always r...
2006-07-26 回答者: jklowl 5个回答
问:A recent survey has shown that the number of people in the United K...
答:这项研究还表明,百分之七十以上的这些人说,他们不感兴趣,越来越连接到互联网。这一数字已上升到超过50 %在2005年,最让缺乏电脑技能理由,没有获得互联网接入,但也有一些人说,这是becase的费用。越来越多的人正在和高速宽带网 几乎到处都可以在英国,但仍然有相当多的人谁拒绝采取的第一步。
2009-04-11 回答者: lizengtaoty 3个回答 2
急用 谁能帮我翻译一下 一段话 译成英文要求文学色彩 高分求助
问:幻想之景 想象之光——黄建南的山水油画 文/徐腾飞 黄先生的艺术,尽管运...
答:Fantasy to imagine the light of the King - John Huang's landscape oil paintings Wen / Xu takeoff Mr Wong, the arts, despite the use of the oil paintings of this medium. But he has done is in "the division good fortune" at the same time, enhance the sense of thinking to...
2008-08-27 回答者: 火星流浪汉 8个回答
问:their best to help尽最大努力提供帮助 best to help最好的帮助 their不...
答:换句话说, "their best to help" 重点在于强调 "为了提供帮助" 而 "尽最大努力",而不是描述他们提供的帮助本身的质量。当然,在某种程度上,它也暗示了他们提供的帮助可能是他们所能提供的最好的帮助。但这个短语的主要用途是强调尽最大努力去帮助别人。
2023-04-11 回答者: gowdhdn5359 5个回答 1
谁能帮翻译一下这几段英文我英语太差了 翻了好久翻不通顺
2011-02-14 回答者: 可爱甜鑫 3个回答
问:It literally feels like a lifetime ago But I still remember the shi...
答:现在我需要他们却找不到一个人 All I see is Slim 我只看到slim(slim shady)F-ck all you fair-weather friends 我干你们这帮假义气的朋友 All I need is him 我只需要他 F-cking backstabbers 干你们这帮背后小人 When the chips were down you just laughed at us 当我们出事的时候 你们...
2011-02-21 回答者: candyhu0204 5个回答
问:A:你好 B:你好 A:你最近看新闻了吗? B:恩 A:那说说你看到的内容?...
答:A:hello B:hello A:Have you watched the recent news?B:yes.A:What are they about?B:At 14:28:04.0 May 14th 2008,in Yingxiu Town Wenchuan County Sichuan Province in China,Latitude: 31.0 ° N longitude: 103.4 ° E. Depth of 33 km,an earthquake have taken place at ...
2008-05-22 回答者: 鬼峪小妖 3个回答
答:With regard to production, processing as the main countries or regions, procurement in the business activities of enterprises in the increasingly important role that it can be huge cost savings for businesses (although the average savings rate of only about 10%, but due to huge base,...
2007-11-06 回答者: 俞正阳 1个回答 1

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