答:a blood test.他验过血了。3.检验;检验标准 4.测验;考察;小考 We are to have a history test next week.下周我们有历史测验。5.考验 及物动词 vt.1.试验;检验;测验[(+for/in/on)]The doctor tested his ears.医生检查他的耳朵。The teacher will test us in maths.老师将测验我们数学。...
2019-05-12 回答者: 路溥福香岚 1个回答 5
答:math和maths的区分 math和maths可以通用。math和maths都是mathematics的缩写,maths是正规的、英式缩写,math是美式缩写。也可以说,math是美式英语,maths是英式英语。maths的英语例句 1、Have a maths problems descriped described in the form of a story.用含有数字问题的故事同样可以帮助孩子理解数字...
2023-08-30 回答者: 次次呲呲 1个回答
答:例句:I really enjoy studying math.(我非常喜欢学习数学。)- "maths" 是在英国、澳大利亚等英语国家常用的缩写形式,也指代数学学科。例句:He is studying maths at university.(他在大学学习数学。)2. 语言习惯的区别:- "math" 是在美国英语中使用的惯用表达。例句:I have a math test ...
2023-09-29 回答者: 梧桐树下戏东皇 1个回答
答:例句:I really enjoy studying math.(我非常喜欢学习数学。)- "maths" 是在英国、澳大利亚等英语国家常用的缩写形式,也指代数学学科。例句:He is studying maths at university.(他在大学学习数学。)2. 语言习惯的区别:- "math" 是在美国英语中使用的惯用表达。例句:I have a math test ...
2023-09-29 回答者: 梧桐树下戏东皇 1个回答
答:learn what is going on in the world.Sometimes,however,they didn‘t have the time to read the news carefully and must be pleased with a quick look at the front page.At other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to have a quick look at the headlines( 标题 )....
2007-10-03 回答者: 童童Amy 1个回答 2
this when the test is year maths怎么排序?
答:this when the test is year maths 组词连句:- When is the maths test this year ?句子的汉语可译为:今年的数学考试是什么时候?
2020-03-29 回答者: 小卷毛娘娘 3个回答 6
答:He had a blood test.他验过血了。3.检验;检验标准 4.测验;考察;小考 We are to have a history test next week.下周我们有历史测验。5.考验 及物动词 vt.1.试验;检验;测验[(+for/in/on)]The doctor tested his ears.医生检查他的耳朵。The teacher will test us in maths.老师将测验...
2017-10-15 回答者: 心恒』孤泪 2个回答 4
答:We are having a math test.
2023-07-26 回答者: 訴情09p09 1个回答
答:1数学的英语mathematics,英 #716m#230θ#601#712m#230t#618ks 美 #716m#230θ#601#712m#230t#618ks2他无法掌握数学的基本概念He cant grasp the basic;例I have maths, English and music class我有数学英语和音乐课近义词 number 英 #39n#652mb#601r美 #39n#652mb#601rn 号码数量...
2024-03-31 回答者: 起航知识小百科 2个回答
答:5、数学,Mathematics,读音请参考百度翻译的发音。6、1读maths2读音为英 m#230θs 美 m#230θs 3n 数学n Maths人名瑞典马茨4例have maths, English and music class 我有数学英语和音乐课。7、例I have maths, English and music class我有数学英语和音乐课近义词 number 英 #39n#652mb#601...
2024-04-22 回答者: 起航知识小百科 3个回答

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