learn by heart / keep in mind 表示 “牢记” 有什么不同
答:by heart这个介词短语表示的是“凭记忆”,learn by heart 指的是“背诵”,是“memorize word for word” 逐字的背诵,有些偏机械的“一字不差”的背诵,是为了“背下来”的记住。比如背诵课文一类 比如:Actors have to learn their lines by heart.演员必须把台词背下来。而keep in mind这个意义...
2011-05-14 回答者: wangmumu1024 3个回答 6
答:member:成员,会员 remember:记住 re:是再次,重复。再次重复(remember)见到会员(member)就记住了。就是可以帮助你记忆单词。实际2个单词没有什么联系。
2012-04-11 回答者: Dragon2012Leo 5个回答 6
2014-01-23 回答者: 爱霄霄儿 7个回答 4
...bear in mind; to commit to memory; to memorize
2014-10-15 回答者: 大爱研子1gn 1个回答
问:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/GKOR7Lr4J-M/ 以下是音乐提供者说...
答:All of my memories keep you near(我所有的回忆,将你维系在近旁)Your silent whispers, silent tears(你静静的私语,静静的泪)Made me promise I'd try(若对我做出承诺,我该会试着)To find my way back in this life(在此生中找到返还的路)I hope there is a way(我希望有条途径...
2010-04-15 回答者: 明明从前是我傻 3个回答
答:这句话the most happiness这个表达是错误的,应该改为把这句话改为one of the happiest memories.你这句话有三处错误,1.快乐这里是形容词,所以应该用happy当原形,而不能用happiness 2. happy的最高级形式是the happiest,不能加most 3.memory才是记忆的名词形式,同时memory应该用复数。
2022-12-12 回答者: 良辰约吗 2个回答
答:How to improve our memoriesIt's essential for us to have a good memory. As a student in Grade 9, we have to memorize a huge amounts of imformation. For example, we should recite Chinese texts, English words, Maths formulasand so on . For these reasons, we need to ...
2013-03-29 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 16
答:Everybody has different memories,some good and some not.It's not diffcult to improve our memory.we can improve it by reciting more,and more water ,more fruits and vegetables are also good for your memory.You can read loudly several times if you wanna recite a article,thus,you...
2006-12-17 回答者: 50892648 4个回答 2
答:A method, combined with memory Will be rusty, not commonly used words in certain language environment - sentences, combined with other means to memorize words. Encountered this word, meaning if forget, is to memorize words by memories are sentence means.Second, the same memory method...
2015-04-05 回答者: 蓝天也有星空 1个回答
帮忙写一篇memory can be improve 的英语日记 急用
答:Give yourself time to form a memory. Memories are very fragile in the short-term, and distractions can make you quickly forget something as simple as a phone number. The key to avoid losing memories before you can even form them is to be able to focus on the thing to be remembered for...
2009-10-28 回答者: laugh121 1个回答 21

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