答:学校设有医疗室,每年为学生进行体检,医生24小时值班。学校设学生A级饭堂,为全体学生提供早、午餐服务,住宿生提供晚餐和宵夜,所有学生膳食均由营养师设计。周一至周五晚学校根据学生程度,安排不同晚修班完成当天作业及温习功课。住宿部在每天放学后安排不同的活动,以丰富学生的在校生活、 塑造学生心灵及...
2016-05-27 回答者: 末日审判丶丰钯 1个回答 10
my school day的英语作文,50词左右,适合在校住宿生的,初中生水平
答:My school day My school day is very interesting. When I'm free ,I usually play soccer with my classmates.And I read books at the library ,it makes me know many new things and open my eyes to the outside world.My teachers are very friendly. I like their classes. Because...
2012-11-23 回答者: 晨963sunny 2个回答 3
答:How much notice do I have to give you if I want to leave? 如果我不住了,大概多久前要通知你?When can I move in? 请问我什么时候可以搬进去?I’d like to have a think about it. 我可能需要再想想。住宿 英文, 住房 英文, 共用卫浴 英文, 分租套房 英文, 广告, 会话, 租...
2022-09-27 回答者: 你大爷FrV 1个回答
答:hotel释义:旅馆,旅社。expense释义:价格,费用。示例:The attendance of the workshop doesn't need fees, but the travel expense and the hotel expense could be submitted by the company.译文:会议不收取会务费,与会者的交通费和住宿费由所在单位报销。二、交通费 英文:transportation expenses...
2023-08-30 回答者: 苹果旺旺小馒头 1个回答
求各种费用的英文翻译 住宿费 交通费 会务费 业务招待费 出差补贴...
答:住宿的英文:hotel expense 交通费的英文:car fare 会务费的英文:meeting affair charge 业务招待费的英文:business entertainment 出差补贴的英文:mission allowance
2022-12-22 回答者: OfferComing留学 1个回答
答:hotel释义:旅馆,旅社。expense释义:价格,费用。示例:The attendance of the workshop doesn't need fees, but the travel expense and the hotel expense could be submitted by the company.译文:会议不收取会务费,与会者的交通费和住宿费由所在单位报销。二、交通费 英文:transportation expenses...
2023-08-26 回答者: 苹果旺旺小馒头 1个回答
答:hotel释义:旅馆,旅社。expense释义:价格,费用。示例:The attendance of the workshop doesn't need fees, but the travel expense and the hotel expense could be submitted by the company.译文:会议不收取会务费,与会者的交通费和住宿费由所在单位报销。二、交通费 英文:transportation expenses...
2023-08-31 回答者: 苹果旺旺小馒头 1个回答
2014-02-10 回答者: 可靠的vbgb 1个回答 69
问:二、 客房凭住宿登记处出具的《住宿通知单》安排床位,住宾客请勿私自留...
答:一、住宿人员必须持本人身份证到住宿登记处办理入住手续 二、 客房凭住宿登记处出具的《住宿通知单》安排床位,住宾客请勿私自留人住宿,请勿自行调换房间。离院时要及时告知客房管理员查房 退房。三、 严禁将易燃 、易爆、 剧毒、 腐蚀性和放射性等危害带入住宿房间。严禁违法犯罪活动。要文明礼貌,请勿...
2021-01-02 回答者: 经纬线521 2个回答
求各种费用的英文翻译 住宿费 交通费 会务费 业务招待费 出差补贴...
答:hotel释义:旅馆,旅社。expense释义:价格,费用。示例:The attendance of the workshop doesn't need fees, but the travel expense and the hotel expense could be submitted by the company.译文:会议不收取会务费,与会者的交通费和住宿费由所在单位报销。二、交通费 英文:transportation expenses...
2022-09-30 回答者: OfferComing留学 1个回答

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