英语电影观后感 200词 要英文写的 最好是终结者
答:The terminator 2018 this film is more like a bad gaiden, in addition to the main character in the movie's name did not change, others are all HuanYang, if not seen audience can regard him as a prequel to another film, but I believe that the vast majority of the audience ...
2015-08-30 回答者: 超级WFEW 1个回答 6
答:sometimes we're on a crazying course,and we just don't know it.Whatever it's by accident or by designed,there's none of things we can do about.A woman in Paris was on the way to go shopping,but she forgot her coat,went back to get it,when she got the coat the ...
2013-07-14 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 5
答:求一篇400字的英语观后感,小学5年级水平。要求看的是英语电影,观后感也要用英语写。谢谢!!!... 求一篇400字的英语观后感,小学5年级水平。要求看的是英语电影,观后感也要用英语写。谢谢!!! 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?梦妮小妹妹 2008-08-27 · TA获得超过1922个赞 知道答主...
2017-11-26 回答者: 梦妮小妹妹 5个回答 132
答:《卡特教头》这部电影你看过没有?Coach Carter,讲篮球教练的,我搞了篇你看看 "Coach Carter" is inspired by the true story of Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), a controversial California high school basketball coach who took a bunch of unruly underachievers and not only made them ...
2011-02-01 回答者: HotSizzle55 3个回答 12
英文作文 外国电影观后感2篇
答:老人与海 This year summer vacation, I read the American well-known writer Hemingway's novel " old person and sea ". I extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain ...
2013-09-03 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 1
英语电影观后感 要英语的 80词
答:I just got back from seeing The Aviator with Leonardo diCaprio as Howard Hughes. I believe Leonardo has gotten a bum rap as an actor for some time. I liked him in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. I thought he was perfectly cast in Catch Me if You Can. And whatever else you ...
2013-09-13 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 6
答:英文写的电影观后感 In winter I watch three movies.The first movie is called ‘Barbie and the Three Musketeers’.I watched this movie just two hours ago. Actually this is an old movie for me, but this is my favorite movie in a series of ‘Barbie movies’.Corinne is a girl...
2022-07-16 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答
用英语写一篇 英语电影读后感 谢谢 要电影名
答:《小妇人》电影观后感(英文)Little womanLittle Amy stealths the show. Absolutely. Words of wisdom just slips out of her mouth so effortlessly yet so inspiring. And considering of her age, she gives a new meaning to what little woman is all about. I like the way little Amy fly about the ...
2011-02-07 回答者: qw5824969 2个回答 27
答:电影《闪灵》观后感 我最近重温了不少恐怖电影,而《闪灵》是我第一次看,这部七十年代的电影的确让我吃了一惊。七十年代,电影留给我印象最深的是《终结者》和《星球大战》,两者均以视觉效果取胜。而《闪灵》,我觉得是摄影镜头和气氛营造最成功,而且是迄今为止,恐怖电影之中,极少见到能够把镜头和...
2016-05-25 回答者: 香梦冷侵衣 1个回答 16
2017-10-15 回答者: star子慕 1个回答

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