急求一篇 英语演讲稿+排比句式+3分钟左右
答:It's my great honor to be invited here to give a speech.As a student I think We should seize every opportunity to conquer English and make lifelong friends with people throughout the world. By conquering English, we can help ourselves and others.We are human beings, not ...
2008-11-08 回答者: 小幽ice 1个回答 9
答:关于什么的,我这有一篇我的学生参加口语比赛的演讲稿,你参考下吧。Hello, everyone! My name is……. I’m 14 years old. I’m not pretty, but I’m lovely and easygoing, so I have many friends. They like to play with me. I have many hobbies like watching TV, listening to ...
2011-10-16 回答者: bananan_n 1个回答 10
答:关于“爱”2至3分钟英语演讲稿 I love China! each time I see the national flag, sees the party flag, I am out of control hot tears filling the eyes. in today, various trades and oupations' working people's close unity around the Central Party Committee, diligent, has made the huge pro...
2022-11-20 回答者: 业玥赧冰莹 1个回答
急求一篇英语演讲稿,my views on success ,2到3分钟,十万火急!?
答:will have failed.If you want to improve your grades,after studying hard,and you get an improvement,then you are successful.Moreover,Success means not that much once you achieve it.Forget about your achievement and move on to the next level.That is very important.Thank you!,3,
2022-10-19 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答
急求一篇3分钟英语演讲稿"Do you want to be famous?Why or why...
答:famous的演讲,可以参考了:)~~These are two cases of being famous. No one likes to be the latter. And all the candidates here want to be the former. When we're talking about being famous, we always refer to the first case. But have you ever posed this question: What does ...
2006-06-15 回答者: 萍mm 1个回答 34
急需一篇英语演讲稿 要说3-4分钟,字数大概200词吧 题目是 Why do we...
问:急需一篇英语演讲稿 要说3-4分钟,字数大概200词吧 题目是 Why do we st...
答:A teacher said that studying hard, getting into a good college and then getting into a good company is meaningless, then why do we have to study?Studying is not something you have to do.It's something you should want to do. In the future,you'll come across a lot of ...
2015-04-18 回答者: SJ北辰 1个回答 17
【急!!】求一篇题目为change the unchangeable 的英语演讲稿3-5分钟
答:Hello all.I would like to about the title "change the unchangable".As of today, the scientific development is on a very fast pace.We are in a quite comfortable mode in our day life.In order to surplus the current situation or to be better, we need to make improvemet.We ...
2017-09-21 回答者: gaosou04 2个回答 71
答:各位朋友:大家好!我演讲的题目是《英国娱乐文化》下面,我从日常消遣说起 很多英国人酷爱运动,足球在英国更深入人心。大家不妨在有比赛的时候去足球赛场或者去酒吧感受一下在英国足球的魅力所在。英国各地有很多运动场所,比如Sports centre,Swimming centre。大学里也设有运动场所供学生使用。英国的酒吧已经...
2011-11-13 回答者: ttgttgttg 1个回答
答:Japan (Japanese: 日本, Nihon or Nippon) is an island country located in the Pacific Ocean, east of China and Korea, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south. It is composed of over 3,000 islands, the largest of which are Hokkaidō...
2013-10-17 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 1
答:As we know, now there are more and more people using electric tools in daily life,to help them do much work with less time. Maybe people will even have their own robots in their home in the future. Robots will help people do a lot of human work, like cleaning the house,...
2010-04-22 回答者: name1998 1个回答 167

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