答:"Wonder" is a great film for all ages, especially for kids as it teaches them important lessons on life and about people who look "different". All the acting is great especially Jacob Tremblay who I loved in Room and is just as good here. I love this movie very much and ...
2018-03-08 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 131
答:<这个杀手不太冷>观后感 This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done......
2014-07-29 回答者: 未成年LS05 1个回答 12
答:I kept thinking after I watched < Spider-Man 3>.I felt Peter Parker was just a normal man.He had been once blind when popularity and vanity came into him like everybody else.He had also cried for his loved ones.Every time he risked his own life to save humans as Spiderman...
2016-02-23 回答者: roger_6 2个回答 55
答:Some time ago,I watched a film called "crazy primitive man" movie,very beautiful.The story is this:the primitive forest is home to murmur a melon brother,father,mother Wuga,grandmother,daughter Xiao Yi,and brother tank.They are Dad's asylum,eating the same food,night listen to ...
2016-01-18 回答者: 美美的普通小姐 5个回答 24
问:我大一了,要每篇400字左右电影从这里面选 01.平民天后 02.阿呆与阿瓜 0...
答:American PieThis is an American youth comedy, is about four in the high school graduate in adolescence from virgin identity, on the eve of the story is very lively. Lead composition military alliance of Jim like other health, blood-boiling virgin, his heart was crushed itch caught...
2013-08-20 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 3
求1篇《Nanny mcphee》英文观后感
2011-11-21 回答者: kevin_jones_13 1个回答 9
答:Movie 2012, a famous movie made in USA, which was showed in China last month.2012这部电影是美国的一部著名电影,月前在中国开始上映。What I have to admit is that this movie is wonderful, such as its advanced digital video effect and the worry about the future of human beings....
2010-02-20 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 6
答:《阿凡达》 观后感 心得 作文 有哪些你知道吗?一起来看看《阿凡达》观后感心得作文5篇,欢迎查阅! 《阿凡达》观后感心得作文1 阿凡达这部电影,从名字上讲,相比较我还是比较喜欢叫它的英文名字:AVATAR,中文翻译的名字又显得这部电影好像是在讲一个叫做阿凡达的人的什么什么奇遇记,然而叫英文名却有一种神秘的感觉。
2022-07-20 回答者: 霹雳小子陶一27 1个回答
...卓别林电影《城市之光(city lights)>的英文观后感,100多字就行了...
答:If I were the writer,I would changed a paragraph that implied the girl's dreams were dashed upon realizing her benefactor was a tramp. I don't think it mattered either way to her. I think she was just happy to finally meet the dude, and maybe a little surprised that her ...
2009-04-30 回答者: 风灵悠幽 1个回答 21
答:无事生非Clerks Clerks was made for $27,575. It was mainly funded by 10 credit cards that Kevin had to his name, funds garnered from store credit after he sold his comic book collection, a family donation, and paychecks from working at the Quick Stop and RST Video. (NOTE: ...
2009-12-19 回答者: wc我的地盘 1个回答 5

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