答:the implementation of China's space technology development milestone major leap forward,the people of China are climbing the peak of world science and technology of another great feat,but also dedicated to the great homeland of the precious 60-year-old birthday present General of the ...
2015-05-17 回答者: 小英英31 2个回答 5
问:我是初一的 老师要求看一部英语电影并写篇观后感 要求:1.英语电影要新...
答:or outwitting Lt. Pug (I'll get to him later), or sneaking into Grutely, or...just having fun, making a very likable show 喜剧动物片101真狗 我个人最喜欢的“ 101D ”中等是迪斯尼的“ 101只花斑狗:系列” 。它结合了许多主题的现有材料( Dodie史密斯书, 1961年和1996年的电影)...
2009-02-03 回答者: 617570441 3个回答 6
英语电影观后感(用英语表述)词数100左右!急~ 电影如下↓
答:Puss in Boots Years before meeting Shrek and Donkey, the adorable but tricky Puss in Boots must clear his name from all charges making him a wanted fugitive. While trying to steal magic beans from the infamous criminals Jack and Jill, the hero crosses paths with his female match...
2013-08-13 回答者: Noahfan 1个回答 25
答:天才眼镜狗 The story revolves around one of the world's "most intelligent dogs", Mr. Peabody, who has adopted a little boy, Sherman, and started a wonderful journey. In order to let his son wonderful better able to witness the world, he invented a time machine. Peabody and ...
2019-01-30 回答者: 萧瑟紫光 2个回答 13
答:If only Today, I will talk about a movie I love. The name of the movie is If Only.It is a love story about a pretty girl and a handsome man. Samantha is a student in a music school, she loves her boyfriend Ian very much. Also Ian loves her, but Ian does not know ...
2010-03-04 回答者: sanrenmi 1个回答 6
答:"Harry Potter" this book, we can not think of the author, can not become a fact of the matter. "Harry Potter" for the main character, a shaman, the wizard, ghosts, monsters, dragons and evil, justice. From a few books, friends can reflect on the friendship, respect for ...
2011-08-23 回答者: 我_RM 1个回答 7
答:Seven," a dark, grisly, horrifying and intelligent thriller, may be too disturbing for many people, I imagine, although if you can bear to watch, it you will see filmmaking of a high order. It tells the story of two detectives - one ready to retire, the other at the start...
2011-05-05 回答者: 点滴510 1个回答 11
答:e warm winds blew gently. I was very tired and lay down to rest for a little while. Very soon I went into a state of dreaming.A little girl sleeps in a corner of the garden. She cries and cries until her sound is broken. Suddenly a bright figure appears before the child...
2015-07-16 回答者: 武则天二号是我 5个回答 27
答:I watched a moive named Peter Pan last night.It is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up. His name is Peter. He is very handsome, helpful and friendly to his friends. He meets Wendy someday, and they go to an island, its name is Neverland. They beat Hooker, who ...
2013-09-05 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 15
求一篇 英语电影英语观后感
问:问题必须是英语电影,而且是英语的观后感。 (50词左右即可) (别想着...
答:《阿甘正传》的影评 Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a ...
2014-02-21 回答者: 同一种调调97 2个回答 5

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