答:1. A legend in the basketball court, Kobe Bryant, left an indelible mark with his dynamic moves and relentless drive. He is the epitome of a true competitor, always pushing boundaries and shattering records.2. Throughout his career, Kobe's dedication and passion for the game were...
2024-05-22 回答者: 唔哩生活 1个回答
答:1. 要围绕本次活动主题确定演讲内容,畅谈自己在“主题学习”实验中的阅读体验、内心感悟、收获提升以及难忘经历等。演讲题目自拟,时间不超过6分钟。2. 演讲稿要求主题突出,内容充实,思想鲜明,感情真挚,语言优美,感染力强,具有教育意义。须为原创作品,不得抄袭。3. 要求演讲者采用站立式脱稿演讲,...
2024-05-28 回答者: 唔哩生活 1个回答

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