答:Among lots of sports basketball is my favourite .I fall in love with it the first time I touch it.I really enjoy the feeling when you shoot the ball right in the basket,it brings me much confidence not only in basketball play but also in my real life.And when you play ba...
2023-11-23 回答者: 157******23 1个回答
答:以My sports collection为题,写一篇英语作文,词数不少于80字 My name is Jack,I am a student of second High school,I like sports very much,I Special like play basketball,So I have a great sports collection,First I have three basketball,Second I have o baseball,Thired I have five football and...
2023-10-29 回答者: 续煊郜冬梅 1个回答
答:总的来说,通过体育运动,我得到了许多。【三】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 英语作文:I am a healthy girl ,because i like exercising, it’s good for our body.And my favorite exercise is swimming。 It’s really interesting 。every summer ,i always swim in the sea ,i...
2023-09-10 回答者: 518姚峰峰 1个回答
答:是的,团结就是力量,一个热爱体育,参与体育的人,他所收获的不仅仅是强壮的体魄,还有高尚的品格和精神。 体育精神的英语作文「带中文」2 Every time I do big recess will recall when I was three grade rubber band skipping scenes. Remember at that time I still hate big recess, always have the thought...
2024-01-04 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:Chronic(形容词)- 持续很长时间或经常再次发生的 Endorphins(名词)- 锻炼期间身体产生的化学物质,可以帮助减轻疼痛并增加愉悦感。翻译:运动 运动带给我们许多好处。首先,运动可以保持我们的健康。定期锻炼可以帮助我们保持健康的体重,并减少患上慢性疾病如心脏病和糖尿病的风险。其次,运动可以改善我们...
2023-12-24 回答者: 解祥如 1个回答
足球俱乐部招生海报英语-英语作文:假如你是peter,看到了学校篮球俱乐 ...
2023-06-28 回答者: 猪八戒网 1个回答
答:1. 写一篇英语作文 我梦想中的校园 中文: 我梦想中的学校 学校多么熟悉、多么亲切的一个词语。我们每个人的成功离不开学校,更离不开在学校里精心培育我们成长的每一位老师。 我梦想中的学校,绿树成阴、百花盛开、流水潺潺、走了进去就像仿佛置身于仙境一般。 学校的操场有品种齐全的体育器材,每个学生可以挑选自己...
2023-10-15 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答
答:英文:Apparently, most schools often organize sports activities, such as football games, races and etc. However, people have different views about these sports activities. Most teachers hold the opinion that sports activities are good to the health of the students and can reduce the ...
2023-12-14 回答者: 刘涛奥 1个回答
答:作文一:Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.This is no doubt that sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. What’s more, exercise can ...
2023-11-13 回答者: 清见事宜 1个回答
答:My P.E. teacher is a big boy. He is tall and has big eyes. He is very fierce to talk about. We are afraid of him. He is very good at drawing. Once, because of the rain, we didn't have P Like real. The students all say that the PE teacher is like a painter!
2023-09-29 回答者: zhaoyshat56 1个回答

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