2024-04-01 回答者: 武汉誉祥科技 1个回答
答:作文如下:As is well known, ancient China created great civilization in history.众所周知,中国古代在历史上创造了伟大的文明。These civilization include various fields, such as art, architecture, handwriting and other crafts. Among some of these, traditional Chinese skills are exerted. For...
2023-10-12 回答者: 天下谈生活 1个回答
2023-08-21 回答者: 懂视生活 1个回答
答:Yesterday, I went to the Museum of Chinese History with my friends. It was a very interesting experience. The museum is located in the center of the city and it has a large collection of artifacts from ancient China.We spent several hours exploring the different galleries and lear...
2023-11-12 回答者: 178******68 1个回答
答:and appreciation.(中国有悠久的茶文化历史,已经存在了数千年。作为一种饮品,茶已经在中国社会产生了重要的影响,成为了中国文化的重要组成部分。中国茶不仅仅是一种饮料,而是代表了热情、尊重和感激之情。)Tea culture in China is diverse, with different regions having unique tea customs and rit...
2023-06-20 回答者: 誓可児止 1个回答 1
如何了解中国传统文化 英语作文
答:英文。The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history,along with the advance of the society and the increaceingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, which resulted in the phenomenon that we are accustomed to living a very fast rhythm lifestyle,ignoring the...
2023-10-13 回答者: 文暄生活科普 1个回答
答:First of all, history is a part of culture and the spiritual pillar of a nation.首先,历史是文化的一部分,是一个民族的精神支柱。By studying history, we can see a country's culture and its development history, so that we can better understand our country.通过学习历史,我们可以...
2023-11-25 回答者: 天蝎wuda 1个回答
答:【2020高考英语作文范文集锦】:中国元素的文学画廊 随着近年来高考书面表达的多元化,中国元素成为了热门主题。以下精心挑选的20篇范文,将帮助你深入理解和运用这些中国文化的精髓,让你在高考写作中展现出独特的魅力。1. 太极的智慧与健康亲爱的Forbes,李华诚挚地邀请你探索太极拳的世界。这门古老的艺术...
2024-04-18 回答者: 武汉誉祥科技 1个回答
答:important part of Chinese traditional culture. But for young people, the meaning of these festival is fading away.中国有着5000多年的历史,我们为这个源远流长的文化感到骄傲。每年,我们都很期待在传统节日里度假,它们是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。但对年轻人来说,这些节日的意义正在消退。
2023-10-14 回答者: 151******85 1个回答
答:2、译文 端午节为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节等。“端午节”为中国国家法定节假日之一,并已被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录。端午节起源于中国,最初是中国人民祛病防疫的节日,吴越之地春秋之前有在农历五月初五以龙舟竞渡形式举行部落图腾祭祀的习俗;后因诗人屈原在这一天死去,便成了...
2024-04-02 回答者: 深空游戏 1个回答

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