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2009-06-07 · TA获得超过1322个赞

摘要: 金茂大厦的主楼基础位于-19.6m处,基础承台长、宽各为64m,厚4m,c50混凝土,总量为13500m3.本工程设计单位美国som设计事务所要求将承台分为8块浇筑,以减少温度应力和控制混凝土裂缝。
关键词: 高层 现场施工

1 高强大体积混凝土施工技术金茂大厦的主楼基础位于-19.6m处,基础承台长、宽各为64m,厚4m,c50混凝土,总量为13500m3.本工程设计单位美国som设计事务所要求将承台分为8块浇筑,以减少温度应力和控制混凝土裂缝。但这样既拖长了施工工期,也不利于保证混凝土工程质量。上海建工(集团)总公司金茂大厦施工技术研究课题组组织了市建工材料三公司和市建一公司科技人员对这一分课题进行攻关。通过周密计算、配比小试、模拟中试直至实际工程施工所进行的大量研究、分析、比较,并认真落实各项技术组织措施,终于成功地实现了:46.5h完成13500m3、c50商品混凝土的连续浇灌任务。根据127个测温点的混凝土温度自动测试记录,搅拌站68组、现场157组混凝土强度测试报告以及工程中混凝土取芯试验报告表明该基础工程质量良好,施工全过程的组织管理是成功的。其主要技术措施如下。

1.1 科研先行、优化混凝土配合比首先优选原材料,其次通过3种不同外加剂、3种不同水泥及其不同用量的各种配合比组合,经过反复试验比较,取优化后的混凝土配合比为水∶水泥∶中砂∶5~40mm碎石∶ⅱ级粉煤灰∶ea-2(缓)=0.45∶1∶1.49∶2.50∶0.167∶0.008(每m3混凝土水泥用量为420kg)。

1.2 混凝土的制备与均速、连续供应混凝土制备质量和匀速连续供应是保证大体积混凝土质量的关键,为此上海市建筑工程材料公司组织5个混凝土搅拌站拌制混凝土(其中1个备用),各搅拌站均采用德国产的elba-105型双阶式搅拌楼,其计量、搅拌等整个系统由微机全自动控制,工艺先进,搅拌效率高,计量精度优于国标要求,并具有自动补偿功能,确保混凝土质量的稳定、匀质。各搅拌站采用相同的金茂大厦专用原材料和同一配合比,且严格签署混凝土生产供应令制度、加强原材料检验,在关键工序、岗位建立技术复验制度,加强生产、施工全过程的动态控制,通过严密的组织体制和岗位职责,从而有力地保证混凝土质量。同时配备100辆6m3混凝土搅拌车以保证混凝土的匀速、连续供应。

1.3 外蓄内散综合养护措施厚度为4m的c50混凝土基础承台,如何减少温度应力和控制混凝土裂缝至关重要,除了优化混凝土配合比、降低混凝土水化热,混凝土输送管道全程覆盖洒冷水,以减少混凝土在泵送过程中吸收太阳的辐射热,最大限度地降低混凝土入模温度以及在承台表面增设钢筋网以控制表面收缩裂缝等措施外,还采用外蓄内散法的综合养护措施。

1.4 信息化自控技术为了掌握基础承台内部混凝土实际温度变化,了解冷却水的进、出水温,将温度传感器预先埋设在混凝土的内外各测点处,并用“大体积混凝土温度微机自动测试仪”对各测点定时进行即时测温。



2 超高层泵送商品混凝土技术金茂大厦主楼核心筒混凝土泵送高度达382.5m,如何将商品混凝土输送至如此高度又是一个关键的技术难题。如果采用塔吊吊运,显然无法满足施工需求;如果增设接力泵采用分级泵送,则必定增加施工步骤,多用施工机械,而且排污问题很难解决;故决定采用一次泵送工艺。课题组本着利用现有的生产工艺,通过对原材料资源的合理选择、复合型高性能外加剂的研制和配合比的优化设计及适宜调整以及泵送设备的选配等方面进行了反复试验研究,终于攻克了一次泵送至 382.5m的技术难题。
2.1 原材料的选择水泥选用质量稳定的宁国525号普通硅酸盐水泥;粗骨料选用压碎值、空隙率、针片状含量均较小的尖山石矿和新开元石矿的5~25mm碎石;细骨料选用九江或巴河的优质中砂;外加剂采用专门研制的fth系列高性能外加剂。

2.2 混凝土配合比的优化和调整

(1)混凝土强度等级、数量及泵送高度 金茂大厦主楼从基础承台面开始以上部分混凝土总量为80715m3,其各工程部位的混凝土强度等级、数量及其泵送高度如表1所示。

(2)混凝土配合比 课题组对各强度等级的混凝土配合比进行了综合分析和研究后认为:c30混凝土泵送高度为333.7m问题不大,确定对c40、c50、c60 3个混凝土强度等级的不同泵送高度的商品混凝土配合比进行研究试验。通过调整水泥用量、外加剂品种及其掺量对3个强度等级的不同混凝土配合比的混凝土拌合物性能和混凝土强度的试验结果进行分析比较,从而确定各强度等级的混凝土配合比如表2所示。

(3)适时调整配合比 本工程施工过程中的混凝土配合比调整对实现一次泵送工艺至关重要。当时上海的气温处于高温季节,这对商品混凝土的运输、泵送带来较大困难。为了保证混凝土工程质量,对运送至现场的商品混凝土进行全面质量控制,不仅跟踪检测混凝土坍落度,而且经常检测混凝土的含气量和凝结时间,并将现场所测得的第一手资料及时反馈至混凝土搅拌站,以适时调整混凝土配合比,满足晴天、雨天、白天、夜晚的不同气温、不同道路交通状况的泵送商品混凝土对混凝土拌合物的可泵性要求。

2.3 泵送设备的配置超高层泵送混凝土能否顺利进行,除了混凝土拌合物必须具有良好的可泵性外,还与混凝土泵的选配、泵管的布置以及混凝土泵的操作人员技术水平等相关。金茂大厦主楼混凝土泵选用德国生产的普茨曼bsa-2100hd固定泵并配有备泵。其次,在泵管布置中,尽量增长水平硬管、减少弯管、锥形管;遇有90°弯管时,尽量采用大弯管,并以最大限度地降低泵送管道的总阻力。混凝土泵操作人员应严格遵守操作规程,防止空气吸入泵管而增大阻力,以防止混凝土拌合物离析和堵管。

2.4 严密的施工组织体系超高层泵送商品混凝土是一个系统工程。在混凝土拌制、运输及泵送的整个过程中,若有一个环节出现偏差,即会造成堵泵,这不仅影响进度而且影响混凝土工程质量,故从商品混凝土搅拌站到施工现场的全过程要全方位严格管理、严格执行规范、规程和各项特定的技术措施,保证混凝土拌合物质量均匀、运量适当。凡不符合要求的混凝土拌合物坚决不予入泵,混凝土泵操


由于采取了上述一系列有效措施,成功地将c40商品混凝土一次泵送到382.5m的高度,创造了世界之最3 混凝土拌合物性能及硬化后混凝土抗压强度金茂大厦基础承台混凝土和主楼混凝土拌合物性能如表3所示。从表3看出,商品混凝土拌合物经时坍落度损失能得到较好控制、满足施工需要;其次含气量控制在2%~3%时可泵性较好,而<2%时则较差。



Jinmao Tower Concrete Construction Technique

Abstract: Jin Mao Tower is located in the main building of the foundation-19.6m, the basis of cap length, width each 64m, thick 4m, c50 concrete, a total of 13500m3. The engineering design firm American request som cap is divided into 8 pouring in order to reduce thermal stress and control of concrete cracks.
Key words: high-rise construction site

1 high-power volume of concrete construction technology based on Jin Mao Tower is located in the main building-19.6m, the basis of cap length, width each 64m, thick 4m, c50 concrete, a total of 13500m3. The engineering design firm American request som will be divided into eight caps and pouring, so as to reduce thermal stress and control of concrete cracks. However, this not only prolong the construction period, is not conducive to guarantee the quality of concrete works. Shanghai Construction (Group) Corporation, Jinmao Building, Construction Technology Research Group市建工materials organized and the city of three companies to build a scientific and technical personnel of the sub-subject research. Through well-calculated ratio of small-scale test to simulate the actual test until the works in the enormous amount of research, analysis, comparison, and serious measures to implement the technology organization, has successfully achieved: 46.5h completed 13500m3, c50 concrete products Continuous watering tasks. 127 measurement points in accordance with the concrete temperature automated test records, mixing station 68 group, the strength of concrete at the scene of 157 group test report as well as the concrete core in the test report indicates that the basis of good engineering quality, construction of the whole process of organization and management is successful. The main technical measures are as follows.

1.1 R & D first, and optimize the concrete mix selection of raw materials first, followed by the adoption of three kinds of different admixtures, cement and three kinds of different variety of different dosage than with the combination of trial and error, after comparison, check the optimized concrete mix for water: cement: sand of: 5 ~ 40mm gravel: ⅱ grade fly ash: ea-2 (ease) = 0.45:1:1.49:2.50:0.167:0.008 (per m3 cement concrete to 420kg).

1.2 Preparation of concrete and all-speed, continuous supply of concrete preparation for the supply of uniform quality and to ensure the quality of mass concrete of the key, for which construction materials company in Shanghai five concrete mixing plant Concrete mixing (including a reserve), are the mixing station of Germany elba-105-type dual-band mixing, and its measurement, mixing, etc. The entire system is fully automatic computer control, advanced technology, efficient mixing, measurement accuracy of better than the national standard requirements, and with automatic compensation to ensure the stability of concrete quality, homogeneous. The mixing station of the Jinmao Building, the same exclusive materials and the same mix, and strict orders to sign the supply of concrete production system, to strengthen the raw material inspection, in the key processes, and post mortem to establish the technical complex system and to enhance production, the entire process of construction of the dynamic control, through a close-knit organization structure and job responsibilities in order to effectively guarantee the quality of concrete. At the same time with 100 6m3 concrete mixer to ensure uniform concrete continuous supply.

1.3 outside the store in San comprehensive conservation measures 4m thickness of the concrete foundation cap c50, how to reduce the temperature stress and control of concrete cracks is essential, in addition to optimize the concrete mix to reduce the hydration heat of concrete, concrete pipes covered by sprinkling cold water on the whole, in order to reduce the pumping of concrete in the process of absorbing the sun's radiant heat, minimizing the temperature of concrete into the mold and the surface of an additional cap to control the surface of steel net measures such as shrinkage cracks, but also with the use of foreign law in San integrated conservation measures .

1.4 Information technology and self-control in order to grasp the cap based on the actual internal temperature of concrete, into the understanding of the cooling water, the water temperature, the temperature sensors pre-planted in the concrete both inside and outside the measuring point, and "mass concrete temperature Automatic Tester" measuring point of the regular real-time temperature measurement.

Jinmao Building, the volume of high-strong concrete foundation cap construction, due to the above-mentioned organizations, a series of technical measures, not only to ensure quality and prevent the emergence of cracks, and shorten the construction cycle.

2 high-rise concrete pumping technology goods the main building, Jinmao Tower, the core of cylindrical concrete pumping height of 382.5m, how to transport goods to such a high degree of concrete is a key technical problems. If the crane was being lifted, apparently unable to meet the construction needs; pump relay if the additional pumping as adopting a classification, it will certainly increase the construction steps, the use of construction machinery, but also very difficult to solve the sewage problem; therefore decided to adopt a pumping process. Group in use of the existing production technology, raw material resources through the rational choice of a complex admixture of high-performance development and optimize the mix design and the appropriate adjustment and matching, such as pumping equipment, trial and error aspects of the research Finally, a pump to overcome the technical difficulties 382.5m.
2.1 Selection of raw materials, the choice of quality and stability of cement Ningguo No. 525 ordinary portland cement; selection of crushed coarse aggregate value, porosity, pin sheet content Jianshan smaller quarry and the quarry Kaiyuan 5 ~ 25mm gravel; selection of fine aggregate or Pakistan Jiujiang River in sand quality; admixture of the use of specially developed high-performance admixtures fth series.

2.2 Optimization of concrete mix and adjust

(1) concrete strength grade, the number of pumping high Jinmao Tower and the Main Building to start from the basis of the table above for a total volume of concrete 80715m3, the engineering part of its concrete strength grade, the number of pumping high as shown in table 1.

(2) concrete mix group level on the strength of the concrete mix to carry out a comprehensive analysis and concluded that: c30 concrete pumping height of 333.7m problem is to determine the c40, c50, c60 3 levels of concrete strength different pumping concrete with a high degree of commodity research than the test. By adjusting the amount of cement, admixtures and the content of varieties of three different strength grade concrete mix concrete mixture performance and strength of concrete analysis of test results compared to determine the strength grade of concrete mix such as Table 2 show.

(3) adjusted with the process than the construction of concrete mix adjustment on the realization of a vital pumping process. At that time, the temperature at the Shanghai high-temperature season, which transport goods, concrete, pumping more difficult to bring. In order to ensure the quality of concrete works for the delivery of goods to the scene to conduct a comprehensive quality control of concrete, concrete slump, not only to track testing, and often gas content testing of concrete and setting time, and measurements at the scene of the first-hand information on timely feedback to concrete mixing plant in order to timely adjust the concrete mix to meet the sunny, rainy, day, night, different temperature, different road traffic conditions of the pumping of concrete ready-mixed concrete mixture can pump requirements.

Pumping equipment, the configuration of 2.3 high-rise concrete pumping can proceed smoothly, apart from the concrete mixture must be of good can pump, but also the matching concrete pump, pump control, as well as the layout of the concrete pump operator skill level related. Jinmao Building, the main selection of the German concrete pump普茨曼production bsa-2100hd pump fixed and prepared with a pump. Secondly, in the pump pipe layout, the level of growth as far as possible hard-pipe to reduce the elbow, cone-shaped tube; case of 90 ° bend as far as possible, large pipe, and to minimize the total resistance of pipeline pumping. Concrete pump operators should strictly comply with the rules to prevent the air intake tube and the increased resistance pump, concrete mixture to prevent segregation and blocking pipes.

2.4 Construction of strict organizational system pumping high-rise commercial concrete is a systematic project. In concrete mixing, transportation and pumping of the whole process, if the deviation of a link that will be caused by blocked pump, which affects not only the progress but also affects the quality of concrete works, the concrete mixing station from the commodity to the whole process of the construction site to all-strict management and strict implementation of norms, procedures and the specific technical measures to ensure uniform quality of concrete mixture, the appropriate volume. Bills which do not meet the requirements of the concrete mixture into the firm does not pump, concrete pump operator must have a skilled operator skills, the only way to successful completion of the entire process of pumping every time.

As a result of these series of effective measures to successfully pump c40-mixed concrete to a height of 382.5m, and create a 3 in the world of concrete hardening mixture properties and compressive strength of concrete after the Jinmao Tower and the basis of concrete pile cap the performance of the main building of concrete mixture as shown in table 3. Table 3 shows that the concrete mixture by commodity slump loss when control can be better to meet the construction needs; followed by control of gas content in the 2% ~ 3% when the pump can be good, and <2% when poor.

Jinmao Tower foundation concrete pile cap and the compressive strength of the main building (the construction site of the intensity of the production samples) according to "test the strength of concrete criteria" (gbj107-87), and assessed the results as showing.

5h complete c50 continuous pouring massive concrete foundation and a pile cap concrete pumping c40 goods to 382.5m demonstrate a high degree of engineering practice, the above-mentioned organizations, a series of technical measures to be effective, it not only concrete construction technology innovation and development; and works to speed up the Jinmao Tower building, the creation of high-intensity level of the foundation of mass concrete pile cap, as well as a continuous pouring a layer on the construction of 13 high-rise building construction to ensure the new speed.
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Full-frame structure and frame-shear wall structure

1. Structural Design Description

Is mainly based on the design, seismic levels, air-defense class, and the bearing capacity of foundations, moisture impervious practices, the value of live load, material level of attention to matters of construction, choice of layout design of the common details or nodes, as well as in the construction graph not drawn to express through that information. Such as concrete shall not exceed the amount of alkali, etc. 3kg/m3.

2. The structure layout of each floor, including:

(1). Prefabricated board layout (board selection,板缝size and reinforcement). Marking block number and type of the block, do not adopt the form of diagonal. Result from this method because the lines cross, should adopt the horizontal or vertical line of the method, the same type of standard room type Room No. directly. The whole floor should be a unified code, designed to reduce the workload, but also facilitate the construction of the plug-in staff.板缝as far as 40, which may板缝a reinforcement or tendons. Cloth board cloth when out of the room side board, as far as possible the use of wide boards, cast-in-place to stay in the window strip, the cast-in-place plate the best bandwidth ≥ 200 (the riser consider wearing plumbing board). If the structure requires the entire water layer,板缝should be larger than 60. Pour the entire thickness 50, with two-way φ6 @ 250, concrete C20. Net framework in general do not need to increase the entire water layer. Structural column shall not block cloth. Fire safety requirements of underground garage block is unavailable. Not to use the long frame to the plate, or a long frame beam to the plate and parallel-phase cracks easily Department. Recommend the use of artificial PMCAD cloth fabric panels feature prefabricated panels, fabric panels may not automatically meet the requirements of the construction plans, the definition of load transfer can only meet the requirements of the road. Very sensitive to the floor clear height, span more than 6.9 meters or a few hours may be in line with the SP mode plate, SP plate 120 can be 7.2 meters thick cross.

(2). Cast-in-place reinforced panels (on the board, under the steel plate thickness size). Thickness generally taken in four sizes 120,140,160,180 or 120,150,180 in three dimensions. As far as possible, including use of secondary steel diameter φ10 (currently supply less) of secondary steel, diameter ≥ 12 by the force of reinforced, with the exception of Hook, the level of steel may not be used. Large-diameter steel bars should be big pitch, but pitch is not more than 200, pitch 200 as far as possible. (Usually span of the plate is less than 6.6 meters can meet the requirements of the cracks). Span of less than 2 m on the board do not have to disconnect the Department of steel, reinforced or not painting, only the double two-way reinforced φ8 @ 200. On-board spacing of reinforcement should be equal to the diameter can be different, but the type of bar diameter and it is not too much. Crack at the top and consider the reinforcement plate can be continuously, or 50% connectivity, the larger Department additional steel reinforcement raton overlap should be reinforced by the tension. Reinforcement plate is the same, only the number plate can be marked. Generally the same plate and the lower part of the upper reinforcement bars for the same plate as a plate number, will not draw the same tendon in the upper part of the map. When the plates of different shapes but the same can also be reinforced as a number plate. The whole floor should be a unified code. When considering wearing wire controls, the thickness ≥ 120, do not use the practice sheet plus cushion. Xinhua cited the source of tube-wells of the plate wire, electric wire tube due to excessive thickness may need to be increased to 180 (considering the four-storey steel overlay 32). As far as possible, with large-span plate, not in the room (especially residential) plus sub-beam. Note the distribution of tendons for φ6 @ 250, the temperature can affect the larger Department φ8 @ 200. Top elevation is not at the same time board, the board of the tendons should be adopted separately or tilt. Cast-in-place plate pick additional radial positive reinforcement was raised (including the positive angle with the wall). Cast-in-place pick Kok Yin board should be added under the plate oblique tendon. Party should recommend the use of top-level cast-in-place slab, so as to facilitate water-proof, and to strengthen the structural integrity and to facilitate the pick along the decorative stability. Challenges along the exposed, rain cover, corridors should be selected every 10 ~ 15 m of the seam for a 10mm, steel reinforcement. As far as possible the use of cast-in-place panels, do not use the system to increase the entire water layer plate program. Toilet practices for 70-hou +10 relief (cancellation of cushion). 8 meters below the plate can be the use of non-prestressed plates. L, T or cross-plane Yam construction near the corner of the board should be cast-in-place and thickening, two-way double reinforcement, and an additional 45 degrees of anti-4 16 reinforcement. Reinforced cast-in-place panels recommended PMCAD software automatically generated, one can speed up the pace, and secondly to minimize mistakes. Automatic generation of slab steel reinforcement is not suggested that number may be larger due to hundreds of bars for a number, find difficult, if the number should not be a room number. Reinforcement calculations, may be considered plastic redistribution of internal forces will be reinforced on-board 0.8 ~ 0.9 times the reduction factor will be multiplied by the board under the tendons of 1.1 to 1.2 magnification factor. It is worth noting that, according to the calculation of two-way flexible steel plate is a plate number of the maximum, this reinforcement is conservative biased, do not have to artificially enlarge. Beam in the framework of supporting the outer ring of negative reinforcement of the plate should not be too large, otherwise it will produce beams of the additional torque is too large. General: thickness> 150 used φ10 @ 200; otherwise used φ8 @ 200. PMCAD reinforcement plate generated map should note the following: 1. One-way plastic plate is calculated in accordance with, and the board by a flexible two-way basis, should be replaced by a calculation. 2. When the phase plate and sheet, the sheet bearing a fixed-side consideration is appropriate, but the plate on the inappropriate reinforcement bearing plate should be reduced, increasing the inter-in reinforced concrete. 3. Non-rectangular plate bearing reinforcement should be reduced, increasing the inter-in reinforced concrete. 4. The room number of excess or concave side panels should be checked using the finite element program of its reinforcement. PMCAD generated picture shows the plate reinforcement PM?. T. Plastic plates can be calculated in general, in particular, civil air defense is the foundation and floor structure. However, since the structure of water, do not allow cracks and waterproof the building demanding, such as slope, flat roofs, wardrobe closets, distribution, etc. should be calculated using elastic. Light indoor wall in general should not be under the bold bars, one light wall may shift, and second overall by the board, and should be an overall increase in the reinforcement plate. Only the vertical one-way long side panels of the wall can not be displaced, such as toilets and other rooms of the partition is only possible with bold bars. Sloping roof plate elements for the partial Latin America should be a two-way double reinforcement.

(3). On the layout and light beam-off wall. Framework for the wall is usually light-filled walls, generally do not have the use of precast beam concrete lintel, but beams with cast-in-place. Shall be noted in the wall used in the practice of light and the Atlas, such as Beijing in Beijing 94SJ19, and indicate the additional reinforcement lintel. As a structural beam and column or-phase column, the column should be left tendon, cross beam cast-in-place. Does not recommend the use of aerated concrete parapet walls of the Circuit to do, the decoration is not difficult to use Office in the toilet.

(4).雨蓬, Terrace,挑檐layout and details of their profile. Note: Canopy and balcony cast-in-place vertical plate, the minimum thickness should be 80, otherwise it will not be construction. Vertical bars should be placed on the central board. Double as bars, the height of <900, the minimum thickness 100; height> 900, the minimum thickness of 120. Terrace of the vertical panels should be cast-in-place, precast baffle the interface easy to crack. Canopy and the balcony are inclined when the decorative plate, put the steel plate above the ramp and pick through the level of anchor plate to the wall of the lower beam (that is, double-cloth reinforcement plate pick). On both sides of the closure plate may be blocking泰柏board, reinforced with steel plates welded泰柏without the use of concrete structures. Pick out the length of plate is greater than 2 meters under the appropriate structural reinforcement plate configuration, a longer exposure of selected board (including the vertical board) should be reinforced with temperature. Inter-board pick-plate tendon length should be greater than or equal to the length of selected board出挑, especially the end boards out there when the concentrated load. With the pick end plate should be erected along the small increase to prevent the dust down when sweeping. When the top floor balcony of stormwater drainage unorganized ride for hours, rain ride出挑should be greater than the length of the balcony under出挑length 100, the top floor balcony must take the rain. There should be scope for reinforcement plate pick and should be used large-diameter steel large distance to the local workers following the foot to prevent foot bends. Inter-board pick-span plate smaller, cross-may turn away from the negative, should be selected bearing negative reinforcement plate across the full cross. Board on-board pick tendons usually end up兜一圈, but when the bar diameter and greater than or equal to 12 is difficult to work and should be further reinforced.

(5). Stairway layout. That the use of X-slash stairways, and indicate in detail the other staircase. As far as possible use the stairs plate to facilitate the design and construction, but also more beautiful.

(6). Board top elevation. Name in the map that most of the top plate of the thickness and elevation, and other special厨厕in its rooms marked on the other.

(7). Beam layout and the number should be tier code, such as L-1-XX, 1 refers to a layer, XX for the number of beams. Column layout and code.

(8). Cavitation plate (kitchen and toilet facilities, electrical and equipment) and its additional reinforcement hole size, not necessarily anchored tendons attached to the bearing plate, anchor from the hole into the side of La can. Opening of additional on-board bars, if the hole is bent Department only from the board can be reinforced in the next board; otherwise, should be both on-board increase in additional reinforcement. Tendons to remain suitable after the pouring of the board that the scope of the dashed line, and indicate an increase in the expansion of a concrete pouring. Pouring not support the former should take effective measures. Residential floor staircase landing of the thermocline on the opening hole, around the beam should not be added should be calculated using finite element procedures of the internal forces and reinforcement plates. Appropriate thickening board, plus the dark edge beam hole.

(9). Roof Master holes, the location and layout design of the vents.

(10). The plan can not clear the details of expression profiles to be added to the practice in the construction of wall sections on the basis of the detailed structure of the corresponding painting.

3. The basis of floor plan and details:

(1). In the next column the width of the expansion of the basis of a wide range (more than 4 meters) or more inhomogeneous and the foundation should be used when the column base under the article. And should be considered the basis of nodes at the end of an area of two-way repeated use of the unfavorable factors, the basis of appropriate widening.

(2). When the air-raid shelter under the foundation or dry, etc., can be a great across the plate.

(3). Concrete foundation should be done under the cushion. When a waterproof layer, waterproof layer thickness should be considered.

(4). Building lot better than the foundation depth of 3 meters, the Party should be recommended to do the basement. Basement floor, the local-based capacity to meet the design requirements, they can no longer be extended in order to waterproof. Every 30 ~ 40 meters with water after one and two months later indicated by micro-expansive concrete pouring. Basement foundation set up to reduce the additional stress and improve the bearing capacity of foundations (especially in the surrounding construction useful) to reduce the seismic effect of the upper structure. Should not be partial basement, and should have the same depth of the basement. Raft area in the middle of the hollowing out cell polystyrene pad to adjust the high-low differential settlement.

(5). Basement concrete wall, the corresponding foundation beams and floor beams Department may cancel.

(6). Seismic joints, expansion joints located in the seam below the surface from time to time, connections should be strengthened. However, the basis for settlement joint on both sides of the wall must be separated.

(7). The basis of new buildings should not have been deep in the foundation around. Such as deep in the original foundation, based on the distance between the foundation should not be less than the height difference between the 1.5 to 2 times, or anti-sliding pile should fight to prevent the destruction of the original building. Large difference between low-rise building should be the basis of low-rise box center pad area of the ballast to adjust the base coke additional stress.

(8). An independent basis of eccentricity can not be too large and, if necessary, can be made with the similar column article under the column base. Column under eccentric bottom bar can not be based on too much and, if necessary, can be supported on three sides to make a free board (similar to the middle of raft-based open-hole). Column 2 column article under the load-based focus and the basis of centroid底版should be coincidence, could be made the basis of floor or trapezoidal-shaped stage, or to adjust both ends of the cantilever beam length出挑.

(9). When an independent column-based, independent foundation reinforcement flexural reinforcement ratio does not have to meet minimum requirements, unless the basis of this very important, but not too small reinforcement. Independence is based on the range of reinforced concrete and plain concrete structure between. The basis of small size should be an independent basis for the use of tapered, to facilitate construction.

(10).梁宜independent pull-based reinforcement length, and its char under the ballast mat. Pull the top beam should be a higher elevation, or the bottom of the wall is too high.
(11). The bottom of the general did not have to do with the basis of partition can be the ground of local thickening of the concrete layer.

(12). Taking into account the general building settlement for the bottom of the pot-shaped structure of the overall bending and the upper part of the structure and the basis of synergies, the top and bottom reinforcement should raton (multi-layer negative reinforcement can be cut 1 / 2 or 1 / 3 ), and the vertical bars at the end of the foundation beams should also be raton.

(13). The plan should be based on compass.

(14). The basis of the concrete floor should not be greater than the C30, one useless, and the other is prone to cracks.

(15). JCCAD software can be used to generate the basis of automatic layout design of the layout and infrastructure. Plan known as the basis to generate JCPM.T, generated based on known details JCXT?. T.

(16). The basis of the earthquake at the end of the area should not increase too much additional power, or earthquake safety of a conventional under the circumstances rather than differences in the larger settlement, the cart before the horse.

Please refer to "Building Foundation Design Code GBJ7-89" and the foundation of the local order.
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